The Poet


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    The Poet

    The Poet

    On the corner stands The Poet,
    thoughts and words his wares.
    He would gladly share them
    but so few seem to care.

    Thoughts and words pre-edited,
    for their consideration.
    Offered to them free of charge,
    for one remuneration:

    That they might think a new thought;
    laugh or shed a tear;
    find joy where once was there was none;
    find courage in their fear.

    Indifferently they wander by.
    They hear but do not listen.
    Unaware of what they’ve missed,
    they see yet gain no vision.

    So stands The Poet always,
    with watchful heart and eye.
    He guards the post assigned him
    as centuries flash by.

    Of poets there are many;
    of The Poet only one.
    One responsibility:
    Leave not the job undone.

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    lucindaclaire commented on The Poet


    Very cool poem. Does this poem describe you? or all of us? It works for me. Wonderful writing. Keep on keepin' on.



    All of us most assuredly.I would not be so arrogant as to apply this to myself. I only hope to get to play with big dogs. It is a thankless job but sombody has to do it. Thanks so reading and commenting tba

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    TBA’s Poems (2)

    Title Comments
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    The Poet 1
    Alone 3

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