The Pill


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    The Pill

    Refill my pill,Refill my pill....
    I need to sustain, and in this Godforsaken world...
    I feel ill, and awakened by sleepless nights of fears, and tears...

    Please refill my pill....
    who introduced me too such a heaven of pain...
    I question, no more, I just take you once a day...

    when did I start? where do I end? I cant leave you now, or it will all end...

    you make me complete, and even beyond, Oh! how dreadful, but ,grateful, I am to you...

    Refill my pill, Refill my pill....
    you bring the weakest part of me, and make me feel, like im "God"...
    I am none, but one with just a supply of you...

    Refill my pill, Refill my pill.....

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    charmlessman2d commented on The Pill


    I am none, but one with just a supply of you... wow. what a beautiful line. holds such true meaning. when that thing, or that drug, or that addiction is the one thing to make us feel whole. what a powerful concept. i think we all have addictions. be it work, drugs, sex, organization, powertrip, food, internet, gambling, etc.. its that one line that captures what we all go through when we get our fix. beautiful piece. i see you've only just started writing. don't stop.



    thank you , for your comment, thats very sweet! I love writing, the misfortune is that, all my poetry are in my journals,and I havent had the chance to post them. I intend to post them, in the very near future, your comment is fuel to motivation! lol, take care.

    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

    bilee’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Shes Gone 0
    My Chosen one 0
    your so vain!! 0
    The Pill 1