The Person I Love


  • Love

    The Person I Love

    I met someone
    We dated on and off
    I really felt a connection with him
    I began to fall for him
    Then I fell in love with him
    We aren’t together now
    But I wish we were
    We’re friends now
    But I still have feelings for him
    I want to talk but I don’t know how
    He is the person I love
    Will always love
    People say we’re meant to be
    This I know so why isn’t my plan a go
    I know he loves me so why can’t it be we?
    The Person I Love

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    kdavidscott1 commented on The Person I Love


    Simply put - Amazing...nothing could have said it better - at least you understand - and take it for what it's worth - in time things will answer itself - one thing for sure - maintain yourself and respect yourself until the right person comes along - they will do the same - and they will be the one who will walk you to the alter - to claim you as there wife - like an olympian who walks up to the podium to claim his reward... Your brother in Christ, KD

    Webbsy commented on The Person I Love

    12-16-2008 found a new way to say an old tale..*clapping vigerously. "would rather have loved and lost then to have never loved at all"..not sure i agree with that

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    sweetdesire’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    It Takes A....... 0
    When God Made Me.... 1
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    15 lines 3
    I Never 1
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    Rest in Peace 1
    Pain and Sorrow 1
    Love is in the Air 1
    My Superhero 1
    I am From 2
    The Person I Love 2
    Our Love 2
    Falling for You 1
    So Sick 3