The Loveliest Flower In My Garden


  • Love

    The Loveliest Flower In My Garden

    As I awake
    Yet again in the garden of life
    I notice something in the distance
    I rise up

    Exhaling my held breath
    As I move closer
    To gain a better view
    Its beauty reaches out and grabs my eyes
    A flower
    Of amazing beauty and grace

    A heavenly glow surrounds this angelic flower
    As if it was planted by the hands of god himself
    In the garden of my life
    Do I deserve
    Such an amazing beauty

    Unworthy of such a sight
    Blessed to even see something
    So heavenly
    Its truly a breath taking moment

    As I finally reach this unique life
    Hesitant to pick it
    I kneel
    As I slowly extend my hand
    Reached out my fingers.

    I have it
    Within my grasp
    Sitting calmly in the palm of my hand

    The glow began to brighten
    My heart pounds
    Against my chest
    This flower

    This blossom flower
    Began to bloom once more
    The light is even brighter
    I squint my eyes
    To hold my sight
    As I glance upon heaven’s light

    This flower blossoms into
    A woman of pure beauty
    With a face so elegant with angel like eyes
    Of a green sea
    As the moon light sparkles in her eye
    With the voice of an angels whisper

    Its truly amazing I had the chance to
    Love someone so beautiful

    He planted you
    Perfectly in my life
    You are truly the loveliest flower
    In the garden of my life.

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    DragonflyDreams commented on The Loveliest Flower In My Garden


    Your words can move ones mind into a peacefull place, with the smoothness of the ripples, in a calming lake. Truely, you have moved many, I am sure. Verry nice.



    hey thanks i really apprecitate it..

    bandit1192 commented on The Loveliest Flower In My Garden


    This was a wonderful poem of love. You capture the amazement of finding that one true love so " perfectly planted" in your life. I can relate to this. TS

    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    Syncere19’s Poems (2)

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    My Weather Forecast 1
    The Loveliest Flower In My Garden 2

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