The Ghost of My Future


The Ghost of My Future

A month after
A beautiful day
A call comes in
That I Never wanted to get

I tell you about the call
Then you break down crying
I tell you every thing will be fine
And also be strong

I come back I tell you
That I won’t leave you alone
To raise our daughter
All alone in the world

A month of packing
And getting things in order
A couple days to ourselves
And a long kiss good-bye

I board the plane
With everyone there
Waving good bye
With tears in our eyes

Land in the sand box
Hottest place
I have ever been
As sweat drips from my face

Several convoys ran
One hot morning
A single tired moment
One single round

A sudden pain
To my heart
Feeling cold
In a hot place

Going black
In a bright place
Bright red blood
With a bright blue sky

Looking upon
My cold dead body
A bright light behind
Calling me in

I walk away
To find my
Way to you
To keep you safe

A few days go by
A black car rolls up
Out steps a captain
You fall to the floor

I try to hold you
As you sit there and cry
You can’t feel
That I’m there

Lisa I’m here
I try to tell you
I reach for
Your hand to hold

My hand just
Goes right through
Your shaking hands
Covered in tears

I keep saying
Your name
To tell you
I’m right here

I finally give up
I keep watching you
And our daughter
In the corner of your room

I lean over her crib
To tell her
Daddy is okay
And things will be fine

A little smile
From her tiny face
Brings tears
To my eyes

You come into
Your room to see
If  Liz is okay
And you see her smile

She smiles even bigger
Then says da da
You look around
And start to cry again

I wrap my arms
Around your waist
I kiss your cheek
And hope you feel it

You move your hand
And touch your cheek
Where I kissed you
You whisper

James are you there
Please tell me you are
Please show you’re here
Please you say again

I place my hand
Your tear soaked cheek
I bend down
Then gently kiss your lips

A blinding light
A sudden flash
With me standing
Before you

Your eyes get wide
You put down Elizabeth
Then jump into
My arms

They said you were dead
You tell me
I am dead
Then how are you here

I don’t know
All I know
Is when that round
Struck my heart
I came to find you

I have been watching
Over you since that day
Watching you break down
When you heard the news

You promised you
Wouldn’t die on me
And leave me alone
To raise our daughter

As cry into my shoulder
I hold you tight
Saying I will never
Let you go

I love you Lisa
Whispering it in your ear
I love you too James
You say out loud

You gotta stay strong
For Liz and our child with in
As grab your hand
Then place it on your stomach

You look at me and smile
As tears run down your face
Be strong my love
So I won’t be far

A white light behind me
You and I see
You can’t leave me
As you hold on tight

It’s my time
I won’t be far
I’m always be near
Just never go far

That baby will
Be precious to my family
So are you
For you’re my true love

Good bye my love
Good bye Elizabeth
As I hug you both
Then turn around and walk away

I get to the entrance
Of the white tunnel
I turn around
Standing tall with a salute

I love you Lisa Anne Norris
Don’t you ever forget me
Make sure our kids know me
Because I’m there guardian angel

With one more kiss
I go to light
Don’t forget
I will always love you guys

A sudden flash
I wake up
From this dream
Then look around

You wake up
As I sit up in bed
Are you okay
Yeah I’m fine

It was a dream
I tell you
Go back to sleep
You lay back down

I lay back down
I pull you close
Then hold you tight
As I’ll never let go

I love you
I whisper
I love you too
You say falling asleep

I kiss your cheek
Then lay my head down
Close my eyes
Then drift back to sleep

Just a dream
Not my future
I will come home
And never leave again

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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

Unknown Source

DarrianJames’s Poems (2)

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Title Comments
The Ghost of My Future 0
I lost my way 0

DarrianJames’s Friends (3)