The Floods Never Came


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    The Floods Never Came

    What if . . .

                           the floods
                           never came
                           the years of plenty
                           was just

                           by pharaoh
                                                                    I’m standing . .
                                                                    in the dunes
                                                                                   for miles
                                                                      there’s only dust
                                                                                                                         sand . . . .

                                                                                                                        falls like rain
                                                                                                                          the exodus
                                                                                                                  never happened
                                                                    plagues . . .

                                                                    have come and gone

                                                                     has left a bitter taste
                                                                     in my mouth

                          my bones are arid . .
                          saturated with thirst
                          my tears run dry
                          tthey carve canyons
                                     in my cheeks                                     
                                                      my saliva . . .

                                                                 is as glue

                                                                 it sticks
                                                                 my tongue
                                                                    to the roof
                                                                 of my mouth
                                                                                                                   there’s no way out
                                                                                                                                of my sins

                                                                                                                   the years of plenty

                                                                                                                     have succumbed
                                                                                                                   to years of naught
                                                                no way to get in
                                                                even from within

                         I'm floating  . .
                                              like moss

                                      f a c e d o w n

                           along the river's edge

                        g r a s p i n g 

                       at hollow reeds
                       already plucked
                                                              they make paper
                                                                 to tell this story

                                                              I drown again

                                                                    even though
                                                                        the floods
                                                 n e v e r   c a m e   .   .  !

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    Ming’s Poems (22)

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