The Fight


The Fight

My heart is aching
broken once more
my eyes are red
from all the tears
you made fall

My scar's begin to burn
wanting to opened
once more
fighting hard not to do it
not to give in to the pain

I close my eyes
feeling the saddness
and the anger
you made me feel
waiting for the memories
to fade away

Finally, it stops
no new scar's
are made
no more pain
no more tears

I have won the fight
once more.

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Brokeninside10 commented on The Fight


Ooooh! I really like this one :) It's well written and it shows just how you're feeling.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Jenniebaby91’s Poems (11)

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