The Execution


  • Death

    The Execution

    Im sitting here alone, in my cold dark cell
    In less than 2 hours, my soul will be in hell
    I killed a man, I watched him die
    For this crime, I have been sentenced to fry
    With time ticking hastily away, I am reviewing my life
    I am praying for God to watch over my wife
    The cell door opens, is it time to die?
    It's just my meal cold, shriveled and dry
    In comes the guards to shave my head
    In less than one hour, I will be dead
    In comes the phone, time for my last good-bye
    I am glad my family will not be here, to see me die
    I walk down the hall, toward the big wooden chair
    My head is cold, I have no hair
    The execution room is bright and exteremely bright
    I close my eyes to block that fearful site
    I look at the chair, a big wooden seat with wires in place
    Time is drawing near, my heart starts to race
    A single tear rolls down my cheek, it's no good to fight
    In less than 15 minutes, my soul will take flight
    I sit down and feel the restraints tighten
    Please God o please don't let me be frightened
    They open the curtain, I look for a friendly face
    Not seeing one, I hang my head in disgrace
    They say my last words, it's now time to give
    I shout with my all "let me live, let me live"
    They cover my face with a small black curtain
    If the phone doesn't ring, my death is certain
    I hear the phone ring, is this it am I saved?
    "Throw the switch" is the order they gave
    I take a deep breath and prepare to die
    I hear a click and my insides begin to fry
    They stop the first jolt, I am still alive
    Fighting with death and pain, I want to survive
    The second jolt comes I feel my muscles grow tight
    Is this what you in the public call right?

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    ListninEar commented on The Execution


    Interesting. I didn't like the ending, though. Good luck

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    HeartlessPoet’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Execution 1
    A prayer for my children 1
    Our World 2