  • Patriotic




    From the foothills of the Rockies

    To the gulf of Mexico,

    Lies a land of matchless wonder and fame.

          Much blood was shed to secure this land

    And lives sacrificed for its name.


    Take off your hats as you pass the Alamo

    And remember what its scars represent.

    What happened there on that day in March

    Became freedom’s monument.


    No one forced those brave men to stand.

    What they did was for country and home.

    Each man’s blood so gallantly shed

    Lies stained in the mortar and stone.


    Drifters and dreamers, adventurers all

    Boldly settled this new land.

    Each with a purpose and plan in mind

    Was willing to lend a hand.


    With freedom as their common bond

    And curiosity driving them on,

    The pioneers earned the right to exist,

    But tyranny would not be condoned.


    So lift up your eyes to the Lone Star Flag

    And give it a place to soar,

    As solemnly atop the staff it waves

    To your children forevermore.


    Tom Peveler


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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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