

  • Other
    • Deepbeauty17
    • i have put up new poems if u dont mind read them and leave comments look for them in contest and rate them thank you!!!!!!


    Written Test 1

    1. Why is it necessary to shoulder-check when changing lanes?
    Correct Answer: No matter how you adjust your mirrors, you will always have blind spots.

    2. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" and the second car is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Correct Answer: D.

    3. If a vehicle in front of you is stopped at a crosswalk on a multi-lane road, you should:
    Correct Answer: Stop before passing this vehicle and make sure there are no pedestrians in the crosswalk.

    4. A vehicle located in position "C" is in a passing zone.
    Correct Answer: False

    5. If you find that your car is hydroplaning, you should:
    Correct Answer: Decelerate and drive straight ahead without hitting the brakes.

    6. When should you use your cars signals?
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    7. It is important to stay well behind large trucks and buses, and out of their blind spots because:
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    8. If you are going into a curve too quickly, you should:
    Correct Answer: Ease off the accelerator, and then speed up slightly as you regain traction.

    9. The best reason for not using a cellphone while driving is:
    Correct Answer: Your ability to see and hear hazards may be reduced.

    10. A car and a bicycle reach the intersection at the same time. The car is in position "A" and the bicycle is in position "B" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Correct Answer: A.

    11. When entering a tunnel on a sunny day, you should:
    Correct Answer: Slow down to let your eyes adjust to the lower light levels.

    12. When pulling away from the curb, you should:
    Correct Answer: Signal, check over shoulder, then pull out when safe.

    13. When driving at night, it is a good idea to:
    Correct Answer: Glance to the right edge of the road to avoid glare from oncoming lights.

    14. If you must stop suddenly in an emergency, you should:
    Correct Answer: Hit the brakes hard, but not hard enough to lock the wheels, and steer in the direction you want to go.

    15. When approaching a stop sign where there is no stop line, sidewalk or crosswalk you should:
    Correct Answer: Stop just before you enter the intersection.

    16. You should never pass in the oncoming lane in which circumstances?
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    17. A vehicle located in position "A" is in a passing zone.
    Correct Answer: False

    18. When driving behind a slow-moving truck going up a hill you should:
    Correct Answer: Be patient.

    19. If you must drive through a deep puddle, you should:
    Correct Answer: Drive through it as slowly as possible and apply the brakes after you get through the puddle to dry them out.

    20. When changing lanes you should:
    Correct Answer: Check your mirrors, signal, check your blind spot and then proceed.


    Written Test 2

    1. When you come to a corner where there are no traffic lights or stop signs, you should:
    Correct Answer: Slow down, so you can stop, if necessary.

    2. A vehicle located in position "F" is in a passing zone.
    Correct Answer: True

    3. When entering an expressway from an entrance ramp, you should:
    Correct Answer: Adjust the position and speed of your vehicle to the flow of traffic.

    4. A curb painted red means:
    Correct Answer: No stopping or parking (except buses).

    5. You are required to stop your vehicle:
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    6. When driving in the fast lane, if you are tailgated, the best thing to do is?
    Correct Answer: Move to the right and let the tailgater pass.

    7. When parking uphill on a two-way street with no curb, your front wheels should be:
    Correct Answer: Turned to the right (toward the street).

    8. When stopping on the highway, other than for traffic, you should:
    Correct Answer: Stop off the pavement, on the shoulder.

    9. When you park your car uphill, next to a curb, the right front wheel:  
    Correct Answer: Should be turned so the back of the wheel is against the curb.

    10. It is important to slow down:
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    11. Yellow lines are used to separate:  
    Correct Answer: Lanes traffic moving in opposite directions.

    12. Before turning left:
    Correct Answer: Yield to oncoming vehicles.

    13. Three cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" , the second car is in position "B" , and the third car is in position "C" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Correct Answer: A.

    14. Look to the left and right before entering any intersection on a green signal because:  
    Correct Answer: Other vehicles may enter the intersection against a red signal.

    15. What should you see in your rear view mirror before attempting to return to the right lane after passing a vehicle on the left?
    Correct Answer: The front bumper of the car I am passing.

    16. A vehicle located in position "B" is in a passing zone.
    Correct Answer: False

    17. Before turning left, the right-of-way should be given to oncoming cars:
    Correct Answer: Until it is safe to turn.

    18. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" and the second car is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Correct Answer: D.

    19. Match the emergency response with the event: Pump the brake pedal several times. If this does not work, use the hand/emergency brake, pulling slowly so the wheels do not lock.
    Your Answer: Brake failure.
    Correct Answer: Brake failure.

    20. When slowing down behind another vehicle, you should:
    Your Answer: Apply your brakes early as a signal to the other vehicles behind you.
    Correct Answer: Apply your brakes early as a signal to the other vehicles behind you


    Written Test 3

    1. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" and the second car is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: D.
    Correct Answer: D.

    2. A vehicle located in position "C" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: False

    3. A school bus ahead of you is in your lane and stopped with red lights flashing. You should:
    Your Answer: Stop as long as the red lights are flashing.
    Correct Answer: Stop as long as the red lights are flashing.

    4. Speed limit signs indicate the maximum speed during ideal conditions.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: True

    5. To help prevent collision with an animal you should:
    Your Answer: Scan the sides of the roadway ahead for animals.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    6. In order to keep from getting angry or upset while driving, you should:
    Your Answer: Plan your route ahead of time to avoid traffic.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    7. You may legally block an intersection:
    Your Answer: Under no circumstances.
    Correct Answer: Under no circumstances.

    8. When driving in fog, you should use your:
    Your Answer: High beams.
    Correct Answer: Low beams.

    9. At a blind intersection:
    Your Answer: Always stop.
    Correct Answer: Always stop.

    10. Which of the following is a basic step to take after an accident?
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    11. When driving in the rain, fog, or smoke, and your visibility is reduced, you must?
    Your Answer: Turn on your lower beam (dim) headlights.
    Correct Answer: Turn on your lower beam (dim) headlights.

    12. Which of the following statements about blind spots is true?
    Your Answer: All the above.
    Correct Answer: Large trucks have bigger blind spots than most passenger vehicles.

    13. To avoid last minute moves, you should be looking down the road to where your vehicle will be in about ______________.
    Your Answer: 10 to 15 seconds
    Correct Answer: 10 to 15 seconds

    14. A U-turn is not permitted:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    15. A vehicle located in position "A" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: False

    16. You are driving on an Interstate posted for 65 MPH. The traffic is traveling at 70 MPH. You may legally drive:
    Your Answer: 65 MPH or less.
    Correct Answer: 65 MPH or less.

    17. The two-second rule is:
    Your Answer: The method to determine safe following distance.
    Correct Answer: The method to determine safe following distance.

    18. When approaching a railway crossing you should:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    19. You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last ____ feet before the turn.
    Your Answer: 100
    Correct Answer: 100

    20. Three cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" , the second car is in position "B" , and the third car is in position "C" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: B.
    Correct Answer: A.


    Written Test 4

    1. The best way to help prevent aggression in other drivers is:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    2. If you are in an intersection waiting to turn left and the light turns yellow, you should:
    Your Answer: Complete your turn as quickly as possible; you are not allowed to be in the intersection when the light turns red.
    Correct Answer: Make sure no oncoming cars are trying to beat the red light and complete your turn safely.

    3. A vehicle located in position "F" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: True

    4. Taking more than one parking spot is:
    Your Answer: Acceptable if there are not many other cars in the parking lot.
    Correct Answer: Something that may encourage aggression in other drivers.

    5. If someone is tailgating you, you should:
    Your Answer: Any of the above.
    Correct Answer: Any of the above.

    6. A vehicle located in position "C" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: False

    7. A solid yellow line on your side of the road means:
    Your Answer: You are in a no passing zone.
    Correct Answer: You are in a no passing zone.

    8. You are coming to an intersection with a yellow flashing light. You should:
    Your Answer: Drive carefully through the intersection.
    Correct Answer: Drive carefully through the intersection.

    9. You park your car on the side of the road. You are facing uphill and there is no curb present. You should:
    Your Answer: None of the above.
    Correct Answer: Turn the steering wheel toward the right.

    10. Who must wear seat belts?
    Your Answer: All passengers.
    Correct Answer: All passengers.

    11. Three cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" , the second car is in position "B" , and the third car is in position "C" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: B.
    Correct Answer: A.

    12. In order to keep focused while driving you should:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    13. If a collision is unavoidable, you should:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    14. You should never coast in neutral or with the clutch in because:
    Your Answer: It could hurt your transmission.
    Correct Answer: You need to be in gear to safely control your vehicle.

    15. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" and the second car is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: D.
    Correct Answer: D.

    16. Driving more slowly than surrounding traffic is:
    Your Answer: Always appropriate if other people are speeding.
    Correct Answer: Often a hazard since other drivers may become frustrated and try to pass you.

    17. In order to make sure your tires are in good condition, you should:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    18. Alcohol is:
    Your Answer: A depressant.
    Correct Answer: A depressant.

    19. The safest precaution that you can take regarding the use of cellular phones and driving is:
    Your Answer: Pull over to the side of the road to use your cellular phone.
    Correct Answer: Pull over to the side of the road to use your cellular phone.

    20. You park your car on the side of the road and you are facing uphill. You should:
    Your Answer: None of the above.
    Correct Answer: Place the manual transmission in low gear or place the automatic transmission in park


    Written Test 5

    1. You are driving too slow if you:
    Your Answer: Block other vehicles moving at normal, safe speeds.
    Correct Answer: Block other vehicles moving at normal, safe speeds.

    2. Your vehicle is approaching position "A" . A school bus with warning lights on, is located at position "B" . Children are boarding the school bus. You are required to:
    Your Answer: Stop at the intersection until all children are loaded, the lights are off and the bus has cleared the intersection.
    Correct Answer: Stop at the intersection until all children are loaded and the lights are off.

    3. You park your car on the side of the road. You are facing downhill and there is no curb present. You should:
    Your Answer: None of the above.
    Correct Answer: Place the manual transmission in reverse or place the automatic transmission in park.

    4. You are approaching an intersection controlled by a flashing red light. You should:
    Your Answer: Stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.
    Correct Answer: Stop at the intersection, then proceed as traffic allows.

    5. To pass a large truck, you must:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: Make sure you have room to complete the maneuver without excessive speed.

    6. A vehicle located in position "A" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: False

    7. . Match the emergency response with the event: Hold the steering wheel tightly, and keep the vehicle going straight. Take your foot off the gas and brake lightly. Pull off the road if possible.
    Your Answer: Tire blowout.
    Correct Answer: Tire blowout.

    8. Doubling your speed has what effect on braking distance?
    Your Answer: Twice the speed = four times the breaking distance.
    Correct Answer: Twice the speed = four times the breaking distance.

    9. Which of the following is a basic step to take after an accident?
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    10. When faced with low visibility conditions while driving, you should:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    11. When driving in bad weather, increase the two-second rule to:
    Your Answer: Ten full seconds.
    Correct Answer: Three to four seconds.

    12. You suspect your automobile has encountered a mechanical problem. You should:
    Your Answer: Turn on your emergency flashers and pull off the road.
    Correct Answer: Turn on your emergency flashers and pull off the road.

    13. When changing lanes, you can check your blind spot by:
    Your Answer: Using both inside and outside rear-view mirrors.
    Correct Answer: Turning your head and looking over your shoulder.

    14. A vehicle located in position "C" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: False

    15. Two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time. The first vehicle is a car in position "C" and the second vehicle is an ambulance (flashing lights and siren are on) in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: D.
    Correct Answer: D.

    16. In bad weather, you should make you car easier to see by:
    Your Answer: Turning on your headlights.
    Correct Answer: Turning on your headlights.

    17. What must you do at a STOP sign?
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    18. If you drive past the exit where you wanted to leave an interstate highway you should:
    Your Answer: Go on to the next exit.
    Correct Answer: Go on to the next exit.

    19. When caring for an injured person, you should:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    20. An Implied Consent Law is:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: A law stating that you agree to a breath test when under arrest and suspected of drinking and driving.


    Written Test 6

    1. When may you pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk to allow a pedestrian to cross?
    Your Answer: Never.
    Correct Answer: Never.

    2. In what situations may you pass a vehicle on the right?
    Your Answer: Passing on the right is never allowed.
    Correct Answer: When another vehicle is making a left turn, or on a one way road where not restricted.

    3. What is a likely effect of taking another drug while drinking alcoholic beverages?
    Your Answer: The effect could be multiplied.
    Correct Answer: The effect could be multiplied.

    4. When backing your car, you should always:
    Your Answer: Use both side view mirrors.
    Correct Answer: Look over your right shoulder through the rear window while backing.

    5. You are driving on a road with two or more lanes traveling in the same direction. You should:
    Your Answer: Drive in the left lane except to pass.
    Correct Answer: Drive in the right lane except to pass.

    6. You park your car on the side of the road. You are facing uphill and there is a curb present. You should:
    Your Answer: Make sure your front wheels are pointed straight.
    Correct Answer: Turn the steering wheel away from the curb.

    7. In most situations, on which side should you pass another vehicle going in the same direction?
    Your Answer: The left side of the other vehicle.
    Correct Answer: The left side of the other vehicle.

    8. A vehicle located in position "D" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: True

    9. When there are two lanes of traffic going your way, it is usually safe to:
    Your Answer: Pass a school bus unloading children.
    Correct Answer: Use the right lane to pass vehicles that are making left turns.

    10. When a school bus stops to unload children on a divided highway, vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus must:
    Your Answer: Stop until all children are clear of roadway and the stop signal on the bus is withdrawn.
    Correct Answer: Stop until all children are clear of roadway and the stop signal on the bus is withdrawn.

    11. A vehicle located in position "E" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: True

    12. If you approach a red light and a traffic officer directs you to go through the intersection without stopping, you should?
    Your Answer: Go through the intersection without stopping.
    Correct Answer: Go through the intersection without stopping.

    13. You may drive off the paved roadway to pass another vehicle:
    Your Answer: Under no circumstances.
    Correct Answer: Under no circumstances.

    14. How can you prevent fatigue on a long trip?
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    15. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "B" and the second car is in position "C" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: B.
    Correct Answer: B.

    16. Doubling your speed has what effect on braking distance?
    Your Answer: Twice the speed = twice the distance.
    Correct Answer: Twice the speed = four times the breaking distance.

    17. You park your car on the side of the road. You are facing downhill and there is a curb present. You should:
    Your Answer: Make sure your front wheels are pointed straight.
    Correct Answer: Turn the steering wheel toward the curb.

    18. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" , the second car is in position "C" is signaling a left turn - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: C.
    Correct Answer: A.

    19. Motorcycle riders:
    Your Answer: Must wear reflective helmets at night.
    Correct Answer: Are hard to see.

    20. What factor (s) determine a persons Blood Alcohol Content (BAC)?
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.



    Written Test 7

    1. When a school bus stops to unload children on a divided highway, vehicles traveling in the same direction as the bus must:
    Your Answer: Stop until all children are clear of roadway and the stop signal on the bus is withdrawn.
    Correct Answer: Stop until all children are clear of roadway and the stop signal on the bus is withdrawn.

    2. Motorcycle riders:
    Your Answer: Are hard to see.
    Correct Answer: Are hard to see.

    3. In order to keep from getting angry or upset while driving, you should:
    Your Answer: Allow yourself plenty of time to reach your destination.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    4. If your windshield wipers stop suddenly during rain or snow you should:
    Your Answer: Roll down the driver's side window and put your head out so you can see ahead.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    5. Yellow lines are used to separate:
    Your Answer: For farm equipment.
    Correct Answer: Lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions.

    6. You are coming to an intersection with a steady yellow light. You should:
    Your Answer: Stop and wait for the light to change.
    Correct Answer: Prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red.

    7. A vehicle located in position "B" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: False

    8. A car and a bicycle reach the intersection at the same time. The bicycle is in position "A" and the car is in position "B" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: Both may proceed at the same time.
    Correct Answer: A.

    9. When using your turn signal, you should:
    Your Answer: Make sure you use it in time to give other drivers a warning that you are going to turn.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    10. You are about to make a left turn. You must signal continuously during the last ____ feet before the turn.
    Your Answer: 75
    Correct Answer: 100

    11. When caring for an injured person, you should:
    Your Answer: All of the above.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    12. How can you prevent fatigue on a long trip?
    Your Answer: Stop for light exercise.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    13. When a car with bright headlights comes toward you at night, you should:
    Your Answer: Look toward the right edge of your lane.
    Correct Answer: Look toward the right edge of your lane.

    14. What causes most rear end collisions?
    Your Answer: Following too closely.
    Correct Answer: Following too closely.

    15. When there are two lanes of traffic going your way, it is usually safe to:
    Your Answer: Pass a school bus unloading children.
    Correct Answer: Use the right lane to pass vehicles that are making left turns.

    16. Two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time. A fuel tanker is in position "C" and a mail truck is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: D.
    Correct Answer: C.

    17. A vehicle located in position "F" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: True

    18. Parking is prohibited:
    Your Answer: 10 feet from an intersection.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    19. Match the emergency response with the event: Pump the brake pedal several times. If this does not work, use the hand/emergency brake, pulling slowly so the wheels do not lock.
    Your Answer: Headlight failure.
    Correct Answer: Brake failure.

    20. If your tire blows while driving, you should:
    Your Answer: Drive as fast as you can to the nearest service station.
    Correct Answer: Take your foot off the gas, hold the wheel firmly, gently press on the brakes and steer in the direction you want to go; pull over as soon as you can.


    Written Test 8

    1. Match the emergency response with the event: Keep a strong grip on the steering wheel, as the vehicle will be more difficult to turn. The brakes will work but you will have to press very hard in order for them to operate. Pull off the roadway if possible.
    Your Answer: Power failure.
    Correct Answer: Power failure.

    2. People who slow down (to take a look) as they drive past a collision scene:
    Your Answer: Add to the traffic slow down and may cause additional collisions.
    Correct Answer: Add to the traffic slow down and may cause additional collisions.

    3. Is it always safe to drive at the posted speed limits?
    Your Answer: Always.
    Correct Answer: No, not always.

    4. When driving on a foggy night, you should use your high beams lights to "cut through" the fog.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: False

    5. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "B" and the second car is in position "C" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: C.
    Correct Answer: B.

    6. You will more easily spot a hazard if you keep your eyes:
    Your Answer: From getting tired.
    Correct Answer: Moving (scanning).

    7. When driving in fog or rain, reduce your speed and:
    Your Answer: Use your low beams.
    Correct Answer: Use your low beams.

    8. Parking is prohibited:
    Your Answer: On bridges.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    9. What are some signs of a drunk driver?
    Your Answer: Driving slower than the normal traffic flow.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    10. The first thing that alcohol affects is:
    Your Answer: Balance.
    Correct Answer: Judgment.

    11. Two cars reach the intersection at the same time. The first car is in position "A" , the second car is in position "C" is signaling a left turn - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: A.
    Correct Answer: A.

    12. A vehicle located in position "C" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: N/A
    Correct Answer: False

    13. How can you prevent fatigue on a long trip?
    Your Answer: Stop for fresh air.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    14. While driving on a two-lane road (one lane in each direction), you notice a driver following very close (tailgating) behind your vehicle. You should:
    Your Answer: Turn on your taillights or flash your brake lights.
    Correct Answer: Increase the distance between you and the vehicle in front of you to give your self-more reaction time.

    15. Blind spots are areas slightly to the sides and to the rear of your vehicle that you can not see in your rearview or side view mirrors.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: True

    16. You want to make a right turn at an upcoming intersection. You should slow down and:
    Your Answer: Move toward the left side of your lane.
    Correct Answer: Put on turning signal 100 feet before turning.

    17. When you are merging onto the freeway, you should be driving:
    Your Answer: 5 to 10 MPH faster than the traffic on the freeway.
    Correct Answer: At or near the same speed as the traffic on the freeway.

    18. Before changing lanes in traffic:
    Your Answer: Turn on your turning signal, signaling your intentions of changing lanes and check your blind spots by looking over your shoulders.
    Correct Answer: Turn on your turning signal, signaling your intentions of changing lanes and check your blind spots by looking over your shoulders.

    19. A vehicle located in position "F" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: True

    20. Why is driving in the city considered more dangerous than highway driving?
    Your Answer: Driving lanes are very narrow.
    Correct Answer: Cross traffic and pedestrians create hazards.


    Written Test 9

    1. You are driving in the right lane on the expressway. You should probably move into the left lane when:
    Your Answer: Traffic is heavy but moving steadily.
    Correct Answer: Traffic is light and cars are merging onto the expressway from the right.

    2. A vehicle located in position "A" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: False

    3. It is important to slow down:
    Your Answer: At intersections or railroad crossings.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    4. Your vehicle is approaching position "A" . A school bus with warning lights on, is located at position "C" . Children are boarding the school bus. You are required to:
    Your Answer: Stop at the intersection and then proceed carefully. You are not required to wait as long as pedestrians are not crossing the road in front of you.
    Correct Answer: Stop at the intersection until all children are loaded and the lights are off.

    5. What causes most rear end collisions?
    Your Answer: Failing to pay attention.
    Correct Answer: Following too closely.

    6. May you park on a crosswalk?
    Your Answer: Only if there are no pedestrians.
    Correct Answer: No.

    7. At what speed can hydroplaning occur?
    Your Answer: 30 miles per hour.
    Correct Answer: 30 miles per hour.

    8. Motorcycle riders:
    Your Answer: Are hard to see.
    Correct Answer: Are hard to see.

    9. A vehicle located in position "D" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: True

    10. If you view a potential emergency, what should you do to avoid being hit from the rear by another vehicle?
    Your Answer: Check your rear view mirrors often.
    Correct Answer: Start braking early as a signal to the driver behind you.

    11. Two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time. The first vehicle is a car in position "C" and the second vehicle is an ambulance (flashing lights and siren are on) in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: N/A
    Correct Answer: D.

    12. You are approaching an intersection that has a stop sign, a stop line and a crosswalk. Where should you stop your vehicle?
    Your Answer: At the stop sign.
    Correct Answer: At the stop line.

    13. Roadways are the most slippery:
    Your Answer: After it has been raining for awhile.
    Correct Answer: The first rain after a dry spell.

    14. When a car with bright headlights comes toward you at night, you should:
    Your Answer: Look below the lights.
    Correct Answer: Look toward the right edge of your lane.

    15. In most situations, on which side should you pass another vehicle going in the same direction?
    Your Answer: The passenger side.
    Correct Answer: The left side of the other vehicle.

    16. You are stopped at a traffic light. When the light turns green signaling you to proceed, you should:
    Your Answer: Flash your headlights to warn oncoming traffic.
    Correct Answer: Look left and then right before proceeding.

    17. Driving with only you're parking lights on is:
    Your Answer: Required until 30 minutes before sunrise.
    Correct Answer: Never legal.

    18. One of the most common causes of collisions is:
    Your Answer: Unsafe speed.
    Correct Answer: Unsafe speed.

    19. Should you always look straight ahead when driving?
    Your Answer: Yes - except when changing the radio stations.
    Correct Answer: No - Keep your eyes moving.

    20. What are the effects of alcohol on the skills you need to drive?
    Your Answer: Reduces mental and physical skills needed.
    Correct Answer: Reduces mental and physical skills needed


    Written Test 10

    1. When should you stop for a stopped school bus on a two lane road?
    Your Answer: On week days while school is in session.
    Correct Answer: All of the time.

    2. You are stopped at a traffic light. When the light turns green signaling you to proceed, you should:
    Your Answer: Look left and then right before proceeding.
    Correct Answer: Look left and then right before proceeding.

    3. You park your car on the side of the road. You are facing downhill and there is no curb present. You should:
    Your Answer: Place the manual transmission in reverse or place the automatic transmission in park.
    Correct Answer: Place the manual transmission in reverse or place the automatic transmission in park.

    4. The best way to help prevent aggression in other drivers is:
    Your Answer: Do Not block passing lanes and pull over to let others pass if there is a long line of cars behind you.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    5. Constantly staring at the road just in front of your vehicle:
    Your Answer: Is considered unsafe.
    Correct Answer: Is considered unsafe.

    6. A car and a bicycle reach the intersection at the same time. The bicycle is in position "A" and the car is in position "B" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: B.
    Correct Answer: A.

    7. A vehicle located in position "E" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: True

    8. You are coming to an intersection with a yellow flashing light. You should:
    Your Answer: Drive carefully through the intersection.
    Correct Answer: Drive carefully through the intersection.

    9. To reduce the effects of headlight glare at night, you should look:
    Your Answer: High and away towards the horizon.
    Correct Answer: To the right edge of the road.

    10. Two vehicles reach the intersection at the same time. A fuel tanker is in position "C" and a mail truck is in position "D" - which vehicle has the right-of-way:
    Your Answer: D.
    Correct Answer: C.

    11. You are coming to an intersection with a steady yellow light. You should:
    Your Answer: Turn around, the intersection is closed.
    Correct Answer: Prepare to stop; the light is about to turn red.

    12. If you decide to change lanes on a multi-lane road, you should first look for vehicles:
    Your Answer: Following closely behind you.
    Correct Answer: In the lane you wish to move into.

    13. Speed limit signs indicate the maximum speed during ideal conditions.
    Your Answer: True
    Correct Answer: True

    14. A vehicle located in position "B" is in a passing zone.
    Your Answer: False
    Correct Answer: False

    15. Parking is prohibited:
    Your Answer: On bridges.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.

    16. How far before a turn must you signal?
    Your Answer: 100 feet.
    Correct Answer: 100 feet.

    17. You suspect your automobile has encountered a mechanical problem. You should:
    Your Answer: Stop in your lane and direct traffic around your automobile.
    Correct Answer: Turn on your emergency flashers and pull off the road.

    18. What should you do when approaching a flashing red traffic light?
    Your Answer: None of the above.
    Correct Answer: Stop, yield the right of way, and proceed when it is safe.

    19. You should be most careful when driving:
    Your Answer: During the first half-hour of rain, especially if it has not rained for some time.
    Correct Answer: During the first half-hour of rain, especially if it has not rained for some time.

    20. If your windshield wipers stop suddenly during rain or snow you should:
    Your Answer: Slow down.
    Correct Answer: All of the above.


    Sign Test 1

    1. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Must Turn Left
    Correct Answer: Must Turn Left

    2. What does the color red represent?
    Your Answer: Exclusively for STOP and YIELD signs, multiway supplemental plates, DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY signs, for legend or symbols on certain regulatory signs, and as part of interstate and certain state route markers.
    Correct Answer: Exclusively for STOP and YIELD signs, multiway supplemental plates, DO NOT ENTER and WRONG WAY signs, for legend or symbols on certain regulatory signs, and as part of interstate and certain state route markers.

    3. What does the color blue represent?
    Your Answer: Used as background color for traveler services information signs, and the Civil Defense Evacuation Route Marker.
    Correct Answer: Used as background color for traveler services information signs, and the Civil Defense Evacuation Route Marker.

    4. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Narrow Bridge
    Correct Answer: Narrow Bridge

    5. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Interstate Highway
    Correct Answer: State Route

    6. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Workers
    Correct Answer: Workers

    7. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Side Road with Rail Crossing
    Correct Answer: Side Road with Rail Crossing

    8. What does the sign shape Equilateral Triangle, Point Down represent?
    Your Answer: Exclusively for NO PASSING ZONE signs.
    Correct Answer: Exclusively for YIELD signs.

    9. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Wrong Way
    Correct Answer: Wrong Way

    10. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Weight Limit xx Tons
    Correct Answer: Weight Limit xx Tons

    11. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Right (or Left) Lane Ends
    Correct Answer: Right (or Left) Lane Ends

    12. What does the sign shape Rectangle, Longer Dimension Vertical represent?
    Your Answer: Used for recreational area guide signs.
    Correct Answer: Used for regulatory signs.

    13. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Speed Limit / Minimum Speed
    Correct Answer: Speed Limit / Minimum Speed

    14. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Reduced Speed Ahead
    Correct Answer: Speed Zone Ahead

    15. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Reduced Speed Ahead
    Correct Answer: Reduced Speed Ahead

    16. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Detour
    Correct Answer: Chevron

    17. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Railroad Crossing
    Correct Answer: Railroad Crossing

    18. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Slippery When Wet
    Correct Answer: Slippery When Wet

    19. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Lane Ends Merge Left (or Right)
    Correct Answer: Lane Ends Merge Left (or Right)

    20. Identify the Sign 
    Your Answer: Road Construction
    Correct Answer: Flagger

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Deepbeauty17’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    test 0
    Broken Silence of love 1
    Surrender 0
    FAKE 1
    Loved through his soul 0
    Annoyed 0
    Twisted :):):):);) 1
    Unbearable 0
    Happines 1