Stumbling Through Rocks


Stumbling Through Rocks

I’ve lived just to live,
           And I’ve died just to die;
The decision’s been mine, or so I’ve always believed.
The truth that it isn’t, the truth that it can’t be,
Well, it’s a theory that many cannot even conceive.
For in walking this world, and in learning a few of its secrets,
Although humans so obviously think they’re in charge;
We are surrounded by spirits, they stride by our side,
Some may be called guides, for they can show us a path;
Some are clearly angels given us to watch and shield us from wrath.
We argue in circles about whether there be gods,
            In plural or just one, we’re still unable to claim.
As church argues against church, and man against man,
To the victor who answers that question, falls love and, yes, hate
            No small amount of fear and never-ending fame.

I think that we realize at the most unlikely times,
When our minds are still open, not locked or too busy to play.
When we’re thinking of sunrise or letting go of a day,  that brief
   moment when just waking or drifting off to sleep,
A sight may be seen, or often a word heard,
While this word comes from nowhere, just rides simply on air,
Or you glance in a mirror, look again, blink your eyes, and just stare.
For sometimes a word may convey just a name,
            Or it may be so bold as to answer to you,
            An unspoken question that’s been bothering you.
A word may be lengthened, it may take a few;
To clear up some problem, or show you a path,
            Whether frightened or stubborn, you’d never look at.

But whether our spirits be speaking words or golden angels that fly,
A message is given, from first to the last,
Events in this world occur at a place and a time,
There’s no rhyme nor reason, no special place or season.
Events, friends, lovers, children, animals and trees –
            All occur and happen where they do because someone is
They see and they watch, and decisions are made for all, from
     devastating earthquakes, right down to life’s smallest cell at its
All has been predetermined, before we are born,
With our lives mapped before us,
And our pasts dust behind us.

There’s no way to say, and there’s no way to know,
Whose lives will seem better, which hurricane will blow,
Which of us live to ninety, or which child becomes prodigy.
The point that I’m making, or trying to state,
Is that all that we do is pre-determined by fate.
If there’s no “god” above us, then spirits abound, to ensure that life happens
            Following pre-ordained plans carved into rock.
So for those that have lived, and those that have died,
For those who’ve seen angels, or heard words of wisdom;
You’re blessed to be given this small piece of insight,
This brief glance into the world’s plan of action.

We don’t understand when a child must die, we don’t understand when
       disease spreads unchecked.
We rail at the heavens, we toss out our faith, for a god this cruel
       should never have been in such a position, to rule.
When we understand good and evil, when we understand right and wrong - - when we can objectively see balance on the earth’s massive scales, perhaps then, and only then, can understanding begin to grow.
These emotions are human and will never disappear.  They are, in fact, what makes us human and, as such, held dear.

But while never knowing why, please try to accept that there IS a reason. 
It’s pre-cast in stone, we do not know where, and a lifetime of stumbling may be the only way to get there. 
But not knowing that reason is just not an excuse, it’s no reason to fail. 
Treat finding that reason as your own holy grail. 

Keep trying.  Keep doing.  Keep stumbling through rocks.
Even if you have to do over and over, and over again, with toes bruised and bleeding, continue your quest.
Because you will know when you’ve got it, when everything fits, when the serenity that fills you couldn’t possibly be better, couldn’t possibly be higher, you’ll finally know.

You’ll know the reason you’ve stumbled along, you’ll know the reason you’ve done things over and again.
You will just know.

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rollerderby commented on Stumbling Through Rocks


An inspirational poem of the only true way to find our path trough love and life. If everyone would listen to what we already know is the right coarse. The problem isthat the down fall of common sense and lifes morals, manyget lost along the way. Exellent poem dear, thanks for sharing...

Mareann commented on Stumbling Through Rocks


Oh yes, I with you all the way on this poem. Good writing... Would you take a look at my website?

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Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

Siddhefey’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
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Unfinished Business 0
Through an Open Door 1
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Stumbling Through Rocks 2