Soul Meridian Crossing


Soul Meridian Crossing

As if over The Great Asian Wall, my mind's eye navigates the interior borders of my walled up heart. The journey unclouded and without confusing mystery as it is carried unfailingly by the planes of your chiseled jaw, land-marked by the peaks of your brow and demarcated by your lips.                                            The meridian of my soul bares marks of sublime memorizations and idealizations of an Utopian love. A corporeality of immeasurable beauty,aggrandized beyond intimacy and time spent together. It's behind that wall.                                                                      A view of perfect beauty analogous to the incandescence of a bird's wing. So nearly impossible to relate how it enchantingly the humanity of a great love was fleetingly seen but remains everlasting to the mind's  eye                                                                  Is navigation beyond the presumed and predestined so intricately laborious? Hope holds prospective futures such as that subsumed in my mind's eye. Answers uncharted as doubts are flaunted.

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Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

nativetinagirl’s Poems (4)

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Title Comments
Soul Meridian Crossing 0
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