Sorrow (The Story Of)


  • shanny8917
  • My own two favorite poems are "Train of Defeat" and "The Story of Sorrow"

Sorrow (The Story Of)

Sorrow comes constant
to this heart of mine.
It rips my life apart
leaving Happiness behind.
Just as the pain
is slowly replaced,
Sorrow swoops down
with his friend Haste.
When my mind finally thinks
all will be well,
Sorrow takes over
and begins to swell.
I then sit with Turmoil and
my broken down parts;
a mixed-up mind
and a battered heart.
No matter how hard
I try for Content,
Sorrow is lurking
and waiting to vent.
An emotion so evil
and hard to ignore,
Sorrow is always just
outside my door.
I peer through the haze
to see if its there.
"Come out! Come out!",
I hear Sorrow dare.
Each time I do,
I hope and I pray
that Sorrow won't be here
to greet me today.
But nevertheless,
Sorrow does show,
gripping my life
and not letting go.
Sometimes Sorrow
brings others along;
Disappointment, Mistrust
and a couple of Wrongs.
They all help to add
to this pain of mine.
Sometimes Jealousy
even throws me a line.
But among all of them
is a small ray of Hope.
It comes in the form of
Forgiveness and Cope.
Hope tries to stay strong to
win against Sorrow.
Hope sends the message,
"There's always tomorrow".
But sometimes the message is
far and unclear.
Sorrow's voice is
all that I hear.
"This is as good as its going get",
Sorrow says with a frown,
"So get used to it."

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RodP commented on Sorrow (The Story Of)


I have to agree with Dragonfly1023. Great word play and ability to put images in my mind. I really like this poem!

dragonfly1023 commented on Sorrow (The Story Of)


I love the structure of this piece and the capitolization of each character word. great thoughts and word play here... even though Sorrow is given the staring role :D

Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

shanny8917’s Poems (19)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Illusions Of My Marriage 5
I Can't Believe Its You 1
Who Am I? 2
You Ruined Me 2
The Devil Can Kiss My Ass 3
Coming To Terms 4
The Train of Defeat 4
That Door 1
Freedom 1
Actor 2
My Heart 4
Senses 0
Comfort 1
Sorrow (The Story Of) 2
Past Future 1
I'm Not Laughing 1
We'll Never Know 1
Home 3
You Were The One 1