Silence of the scream


  • Emotional

    Silence of the scream

    This Moorish existence triumph we are none

    Barley able to cast off the dark shadows of the smoking gun

    I awake much too late for idyll speech

    The darkness hardens as my path turns to an unreachable steep

    This mood, this strange unfriendly stranger

    Follows me like a mounted ranger

    My every step it has me in its sights

    I cannot talk for fear of dark nights

    I try to placate, but it has none of that

    I turn my shape into a dog, but it finds me as a cat-

    On tiny feet I sneak pass the peril

    Holding my breath for it so easy for me to

     Come un-railed

    Each day holds a new beginning

    Some days have angels, and some have sinners            

    I carry the cross for all my bad behaviors

    Calling on my luck as an old friend for a favorite

    Save me from the wrath of this tornado

    For in the eye of the storm I generally stand

    Waiting for the wind to blow away-and someone

    To take

    My hand-

    For evermore I only wonder

    For which I did, for which I blunder

    Each day as the sun does rise I am shielding

    My visage not knowing which tone I am fielding-

    It comes at great expense, to my psyche

    What may come in the delicate morning

    O my pace is quicken and my mind slows down

    Each day brings a new burden upon my crown

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    MoniqueCeCi commented on Silence of the scream


    Despite a few grammatical b.s. I like this piece very much. Your words visualize meanings that I definitely can relate to. Nice job . a 10 from me



    Considing its about you thanks

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    ChristopherM’s Poems (3)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Silence of the scream 1
    Yeah 0
    I know less than you think 3