Sheep Dog


  • Love

    Sheep Dog

    Lost in Life
    Left to the Wolves
    Crushed in the Heart
    Crying out for Help
    Horse in tow
    He failed her
    She asked where he was
    Still in the dirt
    She takes it in with a deep breath
    Strangers offer a hand
    She looks around
    He's no where to be found
    Anger over whelms my Heart
    How can anyone let down such an Angels Heart
    Poor Lass has had so many dead ends in men
    In Trusting them
    In Loving them
    I want to be her Sheep Dog
    Protecting her from the Wolves
    Bolting to the sound of her Heart
    Offering my shoulder
    For her Tears 
    My arms around her 
    To shield her, to comfort her
    Holding on for a gentle moment 
    She still believes in Love
    I can tell, and so
    Because I Love her
    When her tears dry
    A Kiss
    To remind her
    I'll never leave her Heart
    Betray her Heart
    With all my Heart under GOD
    I'll Love her till my last
    I'll always be there for her 
    I want to be lost in Love 
    Lost in Her
    If she'll have me

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    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    HenryDeTamble28’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I find again 0
    To My Friend 2
    If Henry was a Horse 0
    A New Talent 0
    Miss Friend 0
    Agony 0
    Two 0
    Late Night Thoughts 0
    Confession 0
    Understanding 0
    Loves Mask 0
    Forward 0
    Standing Dancer 0
    The Stallion and the Rider 1
    Henry talks to GOD in the woods 1
    Sheep Dog 0

    HenryDeTamble28’s Friends (1)