

  • Passion


    there is a place that no one knows
    where nights and days the cool wind blows;
    with pastures vast where flowers bloom,
    where days could last in passive gloom.

    a place with seas where i can drown
    in your mem'ries when i'm alone
    where i can sink when i feel blue
    where i can think only of you.

    a place with mist where i can feel
    your touch and kiss with tender thrill;
    with waters still and sky that's blue
    where i can feel your love is true.

    a place with trees where there is rest
    and there is peace for me 'tis best.
    where no one stays nor strangers roam;
    this is my place away from home.

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    nhorlandi commented on sanctuary


    I observe that the second stanza is not rhymed, the rest feels smooth and dandy.

    ginga commented on sanctuary


    zaph, A free flowing gentle verse that I enjoyed. Please consider re-entering into the contest. You can re-enter your poems by clicking on that tab that asks if you want this poem to be in the contest and it will be in for the upcoming week. More people need to be exposed to this and they will if you re-enter it. ginga

    danmartyjake1 commented on sanctuary


    I never see the rating of a poem as the end all be all. I feel that it is hard to give a rating to many poems,either they are not rate worthy or it's too emotional to rate it because it speaks volumes about someone's feelings. Pay no attention to the rating and know from me, a fellow poet with a kindred spirit, that you my friend have a special gift and it's not only rhyme but an ability to reach the soul...



    i agree. when i first joined this site, i was very 'technical', so to speak, in rating others' entries. perhaps there are others who're subjective in rating, etc... in the end, aren't we here to reach out other souls and if it's our gift, let's use it for good. thanks again dmj. zaph

    danmartyjake1 commented on sanctuary


    I love this and felt deeply every word. I think we write in similar style, because I felt this so completely and reminds me alot of my own poems and words. Please read more of mine and I will return the favor... Bless You for your talents.



    certainly i will read more of yours. thank you for the kind comments and bless you too my new friend. zaph

    SavVySam commented on sanctuary


    A special place to think, to feel and sometimes simply be. You've shared a glimpse into your world with lovely words and imagery. Thank you.



    You are most welcome to have a glimpse of my “world”. Thank you for dropping by. zaph

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    zaphnathpaaneah’s Poems (10)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    I shall not write again 21
    three words 10
    an empty poem 11
    four letters 6
    constant 6
    how soon... 2
    sanctuary 8
    haunted 3
    Sunset 10
    Simple Wishes, Fulfilled Promises 11