Salvation In A Storm


Salvation In A Storm

  Lighting flashes brightly across the black satin sky.
   The greenish gray clouds with their erie glow, race across the sky like winged
   giants, who howl their threats to drawn me with their bucket of rain.

   The ocean is like a sadistic juggler, with it's mountainous size waves,
    it throws me up into the air, then rolls me head over heels underneath it's self.
    When it grows board of tormenting me, it threatens to dash me against the rocks.

    I struggle to keep my head above water, to expel water out of my lungs, and to
    gasp my next breath of life.
    I bob up and down in the ocean like a Bobber on the end of a fisherman's pole, 
    Who has a fish tugging on his line, the ocean tugs at me, trying to pull me under.

     In my helplessness I cry out for help, but my pleas fall on deaf ears of my family
    and friends, for they do not come out to me in boats or throw me a life raft, to rescue
    me.    They stand on the shore motionlessly, like statues in a Greek garden.

    My body becomes zapped of energy, like the ocean had stuck a straw into me, and
    sucked all of my energy out of my body.
    My body becomes numb and motionless as if it turned to stone.  At any moment I
    fear I will sink to the bottom of the ocean, like a ship's anchor.    
    Then a voice whispers to me, but in my mind the voice echoes through me like a 
    sound made in an empty hall way.
    It says to me, " Come to Me , you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give
    you rest ."
    When I recognized who is whispering to me, I cry out to God to rescue  me.

     Suddenly right before my weary eye, out of the dark stormy sea arose a platform in
     the shape of a cross, it was made of wood and had a pure gold surface, it had
     steps on for sides of it.

    By faith I ascended the steps, and got down on my bended knee, and gave thanks
    to God for providing salvation in a storm.
    As if He acknowledged my prayer, a blinding light broke through the dark satin sky.
    The clouds who were like winged giants, their howling threats were silenced.
    The sadistic juggler, the ocean, became a tamed gentleman

    The platform in shape of the cross transported me safely to  the shore of stability.

    This is what it's like to tread water in a trial in my life.

    Written by Stephen J. Vattimo
    August 28, 2008

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surealworld’s Poems (68)

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