Sadly confused at times.


  • Love

    Sadly confused at times.

    You keep me so confused at times I dont know what to say, Should I go or do you want me to stay, Can I be myself or just your puppet on a string,  Theres times I feel like Im not anything, Its not the same as it use to be , I feel your love has changed for me,I know you love me within your heart, But at times I feel were falling apart, Theres times your not happy and neather am I, And it seems like all I do is cry, Our problems get bigger everyday, Why cant we make them all go away, I beleave in us I really do, And I truely think you beleave in us too. Untill death do us part its supose te be , Do you want to grow old with me, The best is yet to come they say, I never want you to go away , I love you with every breath thats in me, Thats the way its supose to be, Forever untill eturnity, But Im sadly confused at times

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    Zerabella commented on Sadly confused at times.


    Aunt Karen I read this in the past of this page,last time I do not remember my feelings,I no this time this poem brought tears to my eyes,,I really can relate!

    Zerabella commented on Sadly confused at times.


    Beautiful writing here,straight from your heart.

    Beetle726 commented on Sadly confused at times.


    GREAT WORK! You have spoken the feelings of Millions of people . Some have indifference, some yet to feel. For all you have to say, YOU are truely real! Well done.

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    missbaby’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Grandbabies are so wonderful.... 1
    You had me from hello 1
    Sadly confused at times. 3
    I LOVE YOU 0
    MY TWIN 0
    KIMMY K 1