River of Life


  • Jesus

    River of Life

    God's favour is denoted by a river. It is designed with the gracious presence, blessings and abundant of the Lord to make glad, preserve and to give great occasion for rejoicing and thanksgiving. It is conducted in channels to distribute life to all part of the body.

    A river with indepth knowledge of grace
    Obtained with fullness of consecration
    Deeper truth that opens one's mind
    To the unconditional love that compasses our being
    The natural instinct that motivate connection
    Embroider with the beauty of life
    Enlighten the soul with the touch of royalty
    With adoption of self to sonship identity
    Enjoy with brightness of fruitful seasons
    Flowing distinctively from the stream bed of life
    Channel to soften, renew and refresh the soul
    Contribute substantially to promote calmness
    Freshness that gives sense of belonging
    Sparkle with the brilliance of peace from within
    Engross with unspeakable touch of difference
    Filled with gladness that defile sorrow
    That spring naturally from the source of life
    Intensely to give nutrient that nourish the heart
    With excess flowing to fulfill purpose
    Drink and thirst no more
    Jesus Christ is the river of life

    There is power in the flow of the river. The force of the river brings life. The amount of flow will depend on how much we are willing to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives.

    Come and drink from this river of life .

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    aiyepraz’s Poems (3)

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