Really Do Care


  • Devotion

    Really Do Care

    when you say you love me
    i think of how it use to be
    when i did't have you
    here to be true
    my life without you was loss and lonly
    you have found the way for me
    so, now i want to show you that i care
    then you show me, and we'll share
    my love for you grows stronger everyday
    and its hard to find the words to say...
    i love you and i'll never stop
    you are my everything, your all i got
    forever i will be there
    now do you see it? I really do care!

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    xXxFloxXx’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    What is Love? 0
    Needed 1
    Together Forever 0
    Royal Love 0
    Pissed Off Notes 0
    Numb 3
    Mixed Up 0
    WANT YOU 1
    Really Do Care 0
    I Am... 1
    Torn & Mended 2
    Thoughts 1

    xXxFloxXx’s Friends (1)