"Where I Want To Be" by Herbert Hewliss Brown


  • Herbthepoet
  • Tanya, welcome! I hope you enjoy reading my work.

"Where I Want To Be" by Herbert Hewliss Brown

Where dolphins swim and Eagles fly is where I want to be-to brave the deepest ocean waters let the wind the open sky set my soul free.

Where you hear no traffic sounds-no sirens no ambulance only peaceful sounds quite sounds like how butterflies dance.

Never any noise no interruptions no telephones to ring just a peaceful, lovely quiet place away from everything.

Where I want to be-is there really such a place? Where there is never-ending joy and love-no dishonor or disgrace.

Our world is full of tension, confusion, guilt and rage-we have all become actors we must all take the stage.

The part I want to play is a part where I am free- most of all right now that is where I want to be.

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hattyej commented on "Where I Want To Be" by Herbert Hewliss Brown


I am fixated on format and my critique usually includes that point. The flow sometimes get lost in the formatting. That's the only thing I find "wrong" with this piece. You have expressed yourself well in this one and I could "see" your peaceful place. Well done



Forgive me for taking nearly 2 years to respond. I have no real excuse- and they do not exist. However, I gladly accept your constructive comments. We all need each other to push us forward and into the light. Please, continue reading my submissions and I shall read yours. We must always enjoy the meeting of great minds and great thinkers!

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA