"The Blind Gardener of Love"


"The Blind Gardener of Love"



I will come to your garden
Unhindered by disability
Not one can stop me
I am a gardener of love
I am sorry
I am blind

So sorry I am
I can no longer view
The twin
Healthy mountains
In the heart
Of your garden

Great mountains
So soft but so proud
 I have had a lot of fun
Climbing and playing
It is also like having
An enjoyable ice cream


I used to gently pinch
The strawberry
On its mountain top
Most often
I will make a small
Careful bite
And dribble it
In my mouth
I also used to sip it
As if I have
 A spicy soup in a bowl


But I know
Loving massage
Is what the
Mountains want


So sorry I am
I can no longer see
The rich abundance of trees
That adorned
Your forest


I will just slowly
And tenderly
Run my hands
In your short and wavy
Massive fine strands
Of curly grass land


 So sorry I am
I can no longer appreciate
The beauty
Of one single precious flower
That makes your forest
Akin to Eden’s heaven
A garden of paradise


 A unique flower
Whose diamond shape
I used to inspect and admire
As I smell its unique fragrance
It sends shiver to my spine
Turning me crazy
Uneasy and wild


A good gardener
As I am
I will work on your garden
With masterful caresses
Of care and of love
With gentle touches
Of my fingers
And so warm
Loving hands


So sorry I am
I can no longer watch
The rapid flow of
Sweet nectars
That oozes out
From the flower bud
That honey bees
Harvest with love


 With continued
Passionate strokes
Of my long hardened tongue
Aided by my well
Experienced hands
I will cultivate your garden
Turning the dry land
Soft, moist and watery
Preparing the soil
To receive the bounty
Seeds of love


So sorry I am
 I can no longer witness
Your enormous joy
When you are
 Trembling and shaking
While I perform
A masterful drilling dance
From slow sweet music
To rock and roll
To a sprinting athlete
Of 100 meter dash


I can fully feel
The musical rhythm
As the leaves and branches
Sway to a sensual dance
The sounds of moaning
And of begging
As I slow down in my drill
I know how hard you catch
Your hurried breath
I know how eager
Is your need
As you shout so loud
You want me to come
The flower is about to come
I can hear you
I am not deaf
I am blind

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Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

rossmangeles’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
"The Teacher" 0
"Nigeria" 1
"Sundae Sunday Special" 2
"The Blind Gardener of Love" 0
"Teens" 4
"Green Eyes, My Friend" 1
"God is so generous, God is so kind" 4
"Kids' Nature" 0
"Successful Slaves" 3
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