"Hoping and Praying"- by Shelby


  • Love
  • ,
  • Emotional

    "Hoping and Praying"- by Shelby

    I pass my heart on to someone new
    Hoping and praying this one will go through
    Through all the pain and and whatever comes along
    Hoping and praying this time I'm not wrong
    I let myself open up just to be deceived
    It's another lie I shouldn't of believed

    It's another hallucination I tend to keep running into
    Hoping and praying it's actually true
    "it's love" my mind always says
    but my heart is the honest one that I never believe when it tells
    I'm hoping and praying I can find someone
    Somone to stop this madness that seems to go on and on

    Love is what my heart thirsts to conceal
    I wonder all the time if it's even real
    I hope and I pray it's not just in movies and fairytales
    because that's when my heart must begin it's betrayals

    I don't want to hurt over my mistake
    I hope and pray this won't happen for "the one's" sake
    If I don't ever believe in this thing called love
    when it comes, my heart won't be tough enough

    I'm not perfect, that's a fact
    I know the one who I need will accept that
    My heart will know who was meant to be
    I'm hoping and praying this convinces me
    Despite the pain I've been through
    I'm hoping and praying I'll hear the honest "I love you"

    I'm hoping and praying I won't let this precious heart down
    I know someone is out there that's going to help me turn my doubts down
    I'm hoping and praying he comes soon
    Save me from destroying this happy tune
    I'm hoping and praying we lock eyes and know it's what we were looking for
    That way this heart won't have to hurt anymore

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    In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.

    Franz Kafka (1883-1924) Czech writer.

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    "Hoping and Praying"- by Shelby 0

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