"And I became torn.my heart was shattered as well"


  • Lost Love
    • selena
    • is trying not to drown in her own sorrow

    "And I became torn.my heart was shattered as well"

    I had no prestige or luxury to tempt you with>>>>>>'I thirsted only for even the smallest moments with you,your honor was a merit of greatness"
    > So then leave me with my grief>>>>>>> >"as I am alone with mine"
    > If you squeeze the years of my life completely,
    > The blood from my wounds would flow>>>>>>>" life has cut me deeply.the blood of my spirit runs slowly out,leaving stains of memories fading into the dust "
    > If I had riches, you would not have refused my love>>>>>>>. "your love was all that I ever wanted or needed.If only a bed of soft grasses,your arms for warmth,those would I haved treasured"
    > But I am in a state of difficulty,
    > a state of poverty, a state of weakness..>> >>>"your pain is self chosen.you chose to turn away from me,I waited many times and you did not come,"
    > I suffered, I suffered>>>> >My dreams were shattered,I mourned for that which I never knew,soft lips upon my face,warm breath on my neck,touches i never felt,
    > But I do not reveal my sorrow,>>>>> >your pain I have always known,your pain has always been my pain
    > and you did not know a thing about my suffering>>> >>I felt your tears upon my face,and in my soul,for each of your unanswered prayer,each forgotten wish.
    > I walk and smile, oh andrew, because I'm stubborn.>>> >>>I hide my sorrows in the blackness of my heart
    > So I hide from the people, my approaching death.
    > For if the knew what is the matter,
    > they would try to console me.
    > And I knew that they could not.>>>>>>>> a lonely life now nearly spent ,wasted searching in vain,for the one love that was my other half,broken promises,shattered dreams,lost hope..some try to open my heart,but it has grown weak and feeble, no one can heal the wounds and erase the scars of my past.
    > Deprivation rests upon my brow and sucks my blood.
    > And only he can allow me to smile.>>>>>> >the end shall become a beginning,in another time and in another place
    > You are forgiven for aborting my hopes.
    > The fault is not yours; it was my foolishness> >>>>>>>>> My times with you,perhaps made your life more difficult,please forgive me my love,so that I can finally close my eyes in peace.
    > I wasted my procession in the desert.
    > And I came, looking for myself in your eyes.
    > And I came, looking for happiness in your embrace.
    > Like a child, I formed my innocent dreams.>>>>> >>>>>I looked to you to give me a small bit of joy in my final hours,in your eyes I found my way back home,I searched all my life,only wanting to at least taste the sweetness that I long for,that I knew love would surely yield to me
    > And you planted your palms and uprooted my veins.
    > And you are planted without the kindness of my pleasures.>> >>>Your days are my nights,your minutes are my hours,days become weeks,yet still I tarried,hoping, wishing,but in vain.
    > And he emigrated
    > My lost cities emigrated away from me
    > And my sails never left he.
    > I was exiled and the strangers settled in my country
    > And they destroyed all my beloved things.>>>>> >>has the morning sun become bitter at the soft dew of the cool nights?The once glorious stars have become distant memories in my darkened mind
    > Your eyes betrayed you
    > With forgery and lying
    > Your confusion decieved you.>>>>>>>I am a woman of moonlight and darkness,yet I beckoned to you as you stood in the light.I begged you to take my hand,to follow me into the still night,in the comfort of shadows,you were afraid,you held back.
    > My lord.>>>>>>> > my love
    > I came as a butterfly to place within your hands,
    > the colors of my wings.>>>>>> >>>>>>I am the lady raven
    > Then injustice burned my wings.>>>>>> my wings brokenand battered from the cold north winds that blow in the ether world.
    > I screamed while the sword was implanted in my chest.>>>>>> I cried out in anguish
    > And the betrayal destroyed my huge hopes.>>>>>> >>>with my spirit now broken,it begins to rise to the place where forgotten souls are remembered
    > And you also, I perished>>>> >>And I shall once again wait for you,another life time,an eternity if that's what it takes.I breathe my last breath now and remember only the sweet memories we shared, the music that crossed an ocean and the words that reached into my soul.It was a beautiful gift you gave me...I am dying with peace,as I know now that love is real and never truly dies.Your memory will never fade from my heart.good bye sweet one

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    gregster commented on "And I became torn.my heart was shattered as well"


    all this love you have here.nice poem cutie .very alive .i like

    DeepEclipse commented on "And I became torn.my heart was shattered as well"


    I can only imagine what inspired you to write this emotionally filled piece. Was a lot to take in, but was one hellova journey. I could not quite capture the structure of the piece, but I felt a conversation....between two it seems.......two that were once in love perhaps......and a guilt. A guilt tearing at one more than the other. So many metaphors dancing here. I love how you point out the conflict between riches and love. It happens often. Beautiful story.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    selena’s Poems (16)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    i love you ,an i hate you 2
    i miss you ! 5
    I'll fadeed twilight 7
    Rain & Thunder 8
    a summers brezz~ 3
    half hearted~ 1
    Bleeding sorrow 5
    we are the watcher of time 6
    sorrow 4
    you do not know me 2
    "And I became torn.my heart was shattered as well" 2
    all this i hate about myself 3
    the mask 8
    Unsecured of what lies beyond the deep abyss, 5