Pretty Perfect Memories


Pretty Perfect Memories

Pretty perfect memories

 A trend now forgotten.

Possibilities persuaded

By a few moments stolen.


Beauty bathed in intrigue

A time now misplaced.

Borrowed beacons

Carried to another place.


Miracles misted vaguely

With divine gifted hands .

Manufactured memoirs

Stored throughout times sand.


Hearts herald a past

With arms held open.

Humbly healing

On a fresh course chosen.

Poem Comments


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kdarcy commented on Pretty Perfect Memories


Saved to my favs, an excellent write, loved all the lines. I read just the last line in each stanza by themselves when I completed the whole read ... awesome, well done k



Thank You! I really enjoyed writing this one. I think it's one of my favs to. Glad you enjoyed it :)

RPT40 commented on Pretty Perfect Memories


I love the way this reads aloud. This is one of my favorites of yours. Nice write.



Thank you:) It was a fun one. I enjoyed writing it.

arronpalmer commented on Pretty Perfect Memories


As Olan comments, the structure present in this poem is sublime. From alliteration per stanza, to two-alliterated-word third lines per stanza, to assonance. oh, and the actual content ain't too shabby either! Great piece, nice to see someone doing something a little different. Keep it up!



Thank You : )

Olan01 commented on Pretty Perfect Memories


I like this alliteration poem with different consonants used for each stanza. This shows that you have a creative mind wanting to expand her poetry skills. Good job. Olan



Thank you :) This came to me while waiting for a bus to pick up some children. I actually had to rush home and write it down. lol

kkirkwood commented on Pretty Perfect Memories


Memories of my true friend always amaze me when I realized how blessed I am to have them always a part of my life.

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

jamie7121f’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Life's Path 2
Goodbye 4
Closing Doors 1
Merry Christmas M's 4
The Dream 7
Stars 9
Twlight 9
At The End 6
Pretty Perfect Memories 5
Swan Lake 8
Where to Begin 14
These Eyes 10
Rain Drops 13
Camp Fire 6
It's That Time 5
You Gave Me 4
Letter to My Bank 1
Mourning 6
A Broken Past 3
A Friendship Lost 6