wanishi’s Profile

Wanishi is @ crossroads

  • Age: 64
  • Location: Millburn, NJ
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: n/a
  • Public Profile URL:


Born in the jungles of west Africa and living in the jungles of west Manhattan shows that we can take the boy out of the jungle but not the jungle out of the boy. (I know, its from the Jungle Book , but it's very real to me! I'll change my bio as soon as I know more about this cool place). Wanishi means "Thank you!" in the Lenápi Indian's language of North America. I specially like this expression because it reflects the grandiosity of their spirit. It is interesting that in West Africa (where I was born) the natives would answer "Thank you" in response to a greeting such as good morning. Their spirit was (before globalization) in a pure state, reflecting the ideal that we all aspire to be.


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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

wanishi’s Poems (5)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Unexplainable 0
To let go 2
Foreclosure 0
Empty Heart 1
Gentle Rain 4