runningonfaith’s Profile

  • Age: 32
  • Location: Erie, Co
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


My name is Katie and I am a country girl that runs off of my faith. I love horse and I am currently bottle feeding a calf. I am 110% country and believe that Family and Faith always come first. This fall I will be off to college to study Agriculture Business and Technology with a minor in Elementary education. I love teaching and watching young men and women make strides in their everyday lives. I also train horses and run my own training business. I love ridding and compete in just about everything. My man in my life is a horse by the name of Cash, without him I would be completely lost in life. He is the one man in my life who has not managed to crush my heart. I have lost in love but still believe in love and that there is someone for me. I only write when the mood strikes me and only when there is emotion.


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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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runningonfaith’s Poems (1)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Daddy Where Were You 1

runningonfaith’s Friends (1)