patpoet’s Profile

  • Age: 75
  • Location: New York, NY
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


In relation to how my life is related to poetry I can say Aristotle has written about poetry and life. Now in the twentieth century Aristotle's notion that poetry is commemorative makes for a recording of life. Every poem starts with the use of words. Words and thinking and feeling and remembering or commemorating experiences are the main tools which a poet uses.
Poetry and life then to me are united and creating a poem is the foremost work for me. If the poet does not enhance his poetry by reading other poets, he lacks communication with the past world of poetry. That is why I have had read poetry now for eight years.
I have read the Greeks, ancient poetry such as Egyptian and Mesopotamian poetry. I have concentrated in sixteen and seventheen century English poetry. I have read John Milton's Paradise Lost which I still consider a major poem. I have also read the Old Testament and New Testament to understand the references in the poem. I think the English language is being challenged by other languages and that it is important to preserve English poetry. Currently I have being busy adjusting to city life in New York City and have only three poems in this enviroment. I am a naturalist poet and in the constrast of life amid skyscrapers I have lost my inspiration . Although I do appreciate the wealth, and beauty of the buildings I do not find them within my biorhytm . I do not enjoy the hectic traffic, the layout of the city, the noise and pollution. So for me these factors detract from creating poetry. I hope to move back to a more natural enviroment where I can read and create easily.
Patricia Urroz Rapold


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Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.