passjay’s Profile

  • Age: 45
  • Location: Atlanta, GA
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


For the longest time words have always come natural since when I could remember. Ever since I was a child in elementary school. I was always good at english. And the irony to this is that, when I got to highschool, I failed english in 10th grade...back to back. Did a research papr in 9th grade...but the same english teacher that failed me...told me that the contest was only for 12th graders. So for talent for writing was neglected. And I ended up at a college I wasn't supposed to be. Don't ask me why I failed..I never cut class, and I always paid attention, and everything..but she failed me twice. I don't know what to call it except discrimination, but I was gifted. Anyways lol......I'm going to tell you a story. A story about a young man, that was all by his lonesome at a college he wasn't supposed to be. And once upon a time he was in the library sitting at a computer at that set college. At the same time,wondering why he was ever at that supposed institution in the first place. So one day out of the blue, all of the sudden the words flowed out like butter. And from that point on I've just started writing poem after poem. And this rest my friends is history. I hope to one day publish a book. I don't reallly have any goals persay. But I'd like to write books of poetry. I like to write because it relaxes me. Also it makes me escape from the word for atleast a moment of time. Just takes me on a spiritual high, do you catch my drift? So I just like it for that reason...writing poetry..I'd say that I enjoy my craft.


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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

passjay’s Poems (48)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Any Reasons for Laughter? 0
The Reincornation of Soul 0
The End of Starvation (Let's Indulge) 1
A Date with Infinity 0
A Vivid Restoration 0
You’re better off Indy! 0
Defunct 0
Roulette 0
Humane Sustenance 0
The Sleep Walker 1
Undercover Lovers 0
The Soul Crematorium 0
To My Benediction..
.then Resurrection
The Chemical Balance 0
Feeble Restitution 0
This To Society 0
Stage Fright 0
Unbarried Skeletons 0
Theory of Goals 0
Down Right Frozen 0
Hidden Talents vs. Feets on Necks 0
Looks Spell Brains 1
Sorted Vestiges 1
The Asphalt Jungle 3
Struggles to Maintain 0
No Precious, for Sunshine 1
Soles 0
Insomnia 0
A Suspect Awareness 1
My Credo (Forgive me for my actions) 3
Requiem for the Nearly Defeated 1
My Reflection: (A Mirror Image) 4
The Idiot Factor 1
Lifestyle's Ocean's Miles 1
Shattered Souls 2
Slippery Steps 1
Sucker's Bet 0
Hold on to your opinions 0
Moral Fiber, Or A Lack There Of.... 1
Pointless Verbal Wars 0
Charter, God, can you help a young brother 0
The Misfortunate Ones 1
Frog Tempered Seige 1
Lasting Impression 2
A Little Ice Would Be Nice 1
The Good Times 1
My Fore Fathers 1