hussain’s Profile

  • Age: 45
  • Location: Islamabad
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: Pakistan
  • Public Profile URL:


It was a fine evening of March, the harsh days of winter had vanished. All the birds were back to the work and the plants started a life with new hopes of reaching the next spring. The bewildering beauty of spring had a bewitching effect on the overall environment. The mating season for all the living things had stared to add figures to their generations. During that time a voice echoed in the valley of Islamabad, that a baby boy was born at home of Mr & Mrs. Syed Khadim Hussain Bukhari. A wave of happiness ran thoughout the family after listening to the happy news of a baby boy to the family of three, because Khadim Bukhari was the only child of his parents. God bestowed him with the third boy in the family which added strenght to the family.

The boy was named Hussain Bukhari after his grandfather's name. As he grew older, he was registered in a school in the nearby town. Here his story of academic successes started. He stood first through out his school career till 10th grade. He got admission in pre-medical subjects in college but the subjects didn't attract him. He did not join the medical college because he was much interested in healing the soical wounds of the society instead of physcial wounds. He did his Bachelors from the same college in Economics and Political Science. for better uderstanding of the world around him. These subjects developed a deep insight in him and it attracted him towards Literature becuase literature is what we call life. After completing his bachelors he took admission in National University of Modern Languages for doing his Masters in English Literature, Language and Linguistics. He completed his Master and went to UAE for teaching English Literature and Language.

The greates achievement in his life are the students that he got from 75 different countries in UAE. After serving there for 5 years he returned to his home land to serve his own country people. He joined a Social Development Organizaiton as a Manager and started serving there. He worked for the vulerable and deprived communities of the socities in the country. His efforts started bearing fruits and he was successful in making a plan for meeting the basic health and educational facilities of the marginalzed communities in the rural and urban areas of the country. The plan was apporved by the social organization and it was implemented.
The happiness and smiles that he was successful in bringing to the downtrodden commmunites of the society gave him a sense of relief.
Hussain Bukhari is a poet,he mostly writes his poetry in urdu language on different topics. His poetry is tolerated in the local circles. He has a dream to publish his book of poems one day to make people aware of the emotioal traumas of the individuals that they face in every day life.
He still stirves to better utilize the abilities and capabilites that God has bestowed upon him for the betterment of the suffering communities of the society.
We wish him Success in Life!


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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

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