SabbethAngel’s Profile

  • Age: 29
  • Location: Wolcottville, In
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


ok well so here it go's. I'm not just another girl. I'm one who likes to have fun with everything but does have her problems... i Dont like looking back on my past and i do keep alot of secrets about it hidden. I dont see my Birth mom any more (rhonda) i live with my dad and My step mommy. she is wonderful. i love to camp and fish with my daddy. I belive that every thing in life should not always be taken for reall. i think people should mess around more. I hate the sun. But i love the moon. I hate spiders. But i love Bats. Just so you now before you judge me. there is more to me then what meets the eye. i love my friends and i treat them with repect at all times even if they do not diserve it. i love to wrestle with the guys. and i love to sing, dance, and like every one else PARTY. but i keep my partying to a minimum. there is just so much for yall to know so if you want to know something just ask me and i will tell the whole truth


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Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

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SabbethAngel’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
What do you want from me 2
Letter to them 5
My heart 1
these four walls 2
killer me 0
My mom, its me 3