KLS’s Profile

  • Age: 45
  • Location: Monroe, Lo
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


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windsongs profile comment


its about the only clown i might be able to like!

Tempy profile comment


hey!!! just dropping in to say hey



Back at ya girlgirl!

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

KLS’s Poems (53)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Devils Mistress 0
Angels Experiment 0
I'm The Dad!!!! 0
Dragon Slayer 1
Poor You 1
Stardust 0
To The Clowns!!! 1
Impact 0
Societies Whore 1
Come on Christmas!!!!
Silence 2
Laugh on 0
Fast Train 0
Ageless shelter 0
One night stand 1
You Lived! 1
One Day! 1
My Picasso 2
Happy life! 1
The Boston Strangler!!!!
The Meadow 1
Chains of the Unknown 0
Young Fun 1
The bad boy! 1
In Your Mind 1
I'm You! 0
Cooter Doctor 1
Her aching Heart 1
Fast lived 0
The Damsel 1
Maui & Me! 1
My Dragon Kin! 2
The Dark Angel 2
Summer Girls 1
All things new 1
Toilet Paper 1
When Love Was New! 2
Me or Madness 1
The Meany Clown 2
Unity 2
The Lost 0
Hell 0
The realm of unborn souls 0
Ruthless 0
The Spider 0
Waging War 1
Dream Of The Devil 0
Misty 0
His girl My girl 0
The Search 0
If Walls Could Talk 0
Tough Love Angel 0
Death Angel 0