Gorby’s Profile

  • Age: 45
  • Location: Gujrat City
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: KZ
  • Public Profile URL:


... well my mother was a poor " tayler misstris " , always sewing beautifull dresses for all the Village women and Children , Her husband was a Lazy man ... mostly Living on smokings ... She was not having a male Child yet ... that way She went to the " ALive Sufis Grave " and described her rquirement for an " Angel Child " with the nature of that ( Brothers Blessings ) Saint ... She got that Like male Child ... then many enimies started playing against " Mother & Son " , any way days were geting ahead with strange happening things ... they sufferd much ... got disopointments and successes too ... hardships on the way to reach the goals more ..................... UP to Now know what I get RemembeRed that in the Month of May 1989~ I was being Caught By the Pakistani Border patrol armours in Civil army `s 8 eight some persons Who took me to the Pashawar Cantt hidden ruins Cages , kept me under cruel , interrogative , punitive investigations until there happened a Huge EaRth Quake in the Month of DeCembeR 1989~ ,within URgent evacuations those handed me oveR to a Pakistani Person Named Moh`d Ashraf S/O AbduL aziz , Living in the City of GujRat ,PunjAab , Pakistan , who then afteR arranged My enforcefully EXiLe to the NoRth AmiRica during the yeaR May 1989~ ...... I Landed in the New York City , theRe I Met My Poems`s Best SingeR " PRinCess NaziA Hassin " , Whua was also enforcefully given other`s being embossed U.N.O. dis-honoring UNESCO Post just in View to take HeR away FRaam Me , As We both WeRe in Love ,WhiLe Living in the Pakistan ........ theRe in the New YoRk City I have been Meeting with HeR , We kept EXChanging OuR Common inteRests , PoetRies , WRittings , QuaRLings , Shoutings for what We weRe then neveR PeRmitted to StaRt ouR ReLated " Natien`s RenuVatien PRajacts " ......... I Refused to Live in the New York City of the u.s.a. ........ TRaVeLLed to " Canada " , and get Applied My Refugie Claim ate`s Case in the " RED FLAG " , Cammunist`s CouRts ....... STiLL ReMembeRed My Sweat HeaRt " NaziA Hassin " , Kept Contacting HeR Via SuRFace WiRed TeLeCommunication PeRSiNaL Phone CaLLs ........ BeSide I did , ContiNued My Canada Livings ALL Sum MiCRu Analytical Studies ....... ALso TRaVeLLed the ALL Main Cities of Canada ......... WitNessed arround being SPread rubish ALL some Gutter GarBages in the NatuRe Sides eveRy WheRe .................


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Poetry is what is lost in translation.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Gorby’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Nazi A & M.AsLam !. 0
" Nympha MotheR`s GRace " 0
" Nymphas`s AngLe`s " 2
" paths to me " 0
Soul Behinde the King 0
Desires 1