Flak’s Profile

  • Age: private
  • Location: private
  • Gender: private
  • Country: CA
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the illustrations below are what i do in photoshop .. from scratch.. a blank screen.. i have over 1000 that i kept and more than that have suffered the delete button.. if you would care to have any of these please lets start of the relationship with honesty.. and not thievery.. ask me for them.. supply me with a genuine address and ill send them to you asapp..ok?..thanks ... some take a considerable amount of time and some just happen as quick as the snap of a shutter on a camera except i do all the developing in my head, then to the screen.. enough of the idle banter.. im sure you get the gist.. thanks for stopping in and speak your mind while your here on what you see and read.. its like watering the plants. ;o)


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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

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