Butterfly71’s Profile

  • Age: 52
  • Location: Lansing, MI
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


Who am I this Queen you see. Longing for my King to be a wife he needs. praying for Mr. Right to come to me and fill me with joy and utter ecstasy. Who am I that aspires to be caressed held in the arms of a man that adds no stress loves me, and fill me with complete happiness. Who Am I you ask Well someone who has let go of the past moved on head, I made my own path. focused on my future hoping for love ever last Who I am come and see sit for a moment and converse with me I will enlighten your mind and help set your emotions free. sit down and explore my world and you shall see I am who I am, and I am who I was made to be, and that is truly and honestly Beautifully me.


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Poetry is not the expression of personality but an escape from personality.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

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