Passionate Defender


Passionate Defender

With every day that goes by
Our minds wander to the past
What could have went differently
In order for peace to last

Every new season of life
Brings it's own share of sorrow
Loosening our grip on hope
That peace will come tomorrow

As the maple in Winter
The strongest tree of them all
Will shed it's radiant leaves
And one by one they will fall

But with the dawning of Spring
It's strength and passion will rise
And all that was lost before
Is restored before our eyes

Just as the Lord hears our cry
Our season comes to an end
And His love comes like a flood
With the power to defend

He picks up our broken hearts
And as only He can do
He restores our faith and trust
By making the old things new

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brokenhearted11 commented on Passionate Defender


gorgeous work. im not the religious type, but this is beautiful. keep writing :)

LoveDeeply commented on Passionate Defender


BEAUTIFUL!!! IT helped me alot. Thanks so much for sharing this with me :)

pocketofdreams6 commented on Passionate Defender


Although I really did enjoy the over message of this poem, I'm usually not a fan of traditional style poetry, although in comparison to most traditional style poetry, I would consider it overall good, Keep on writing until there is no tomorrow! :)

bluewolf commented on Passionate Defender


Like the phoenix from the ashes rises, so faith guides forward to new experiences and renewed convictions. Lovely words.

josephbivin commented on Passionate Defender


This poem was written for a woman who lost her newborn babies at birth. This one was for the son. His name was Alexader Aiden which means Defender and little fire. They planted a fire maple tree in a butterfly garden to remind them of him.

A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

josephbivin’s Poems (6)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Passionate Defender 5
Gracious Victory 2
Morning Light 3
Stroll Through Paradise 1
Lock Box 3
One Voice 3