open window


  • Emotional

    open window

    early in the morning
    when I am assured time
    retracing another chance
    upon my sun-stripped bed
    my emotional spasm forced in check
    the universe, had shut me down again
    stopping my flow to you
    the unseen hand
    that can stop time, confuse intent
    fowl up my energy and project it’s own
    reinforce my size, smirking over my power
    I have assumed you will always win
    I have assumed you are always right
    as insignificant as I am to the whole
    my love is as worthy as any other
    I will look straight ahead and not up
    obedience no longer will be a virtue

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    juxtapose’s Poems (3)

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    moon eyes 0
    open window 0
    being 0