  • Love


    How I long to be one
    It is I feel fragmented
    Bits and pieces everywhere
    Close together or far apart
    Where is my heart
    It isn't one
    It is in two
    Can it be true
    Are you making me blue?
    I do not like that color
    One means to me like
    It could be white
    Perfect and pure
    One shall be a light
    Glowing beautiful white
    Of oneness is in the light.

    By Mia Mittower 

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    shakeme4life commented on One


    This poem is right to the point as the end of an arrow! I'd like to read a poem you submit which answers the questions you've included, as your audience i'd like to know what happened (did you find out why you're in pieces?, Did you become one with yourself, how?, speak to me with words that color my mind and life...

    A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, a homesickness, a lovesickness. It finds the thought and the thought finds the words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    rosebud88’s Poems (11)

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