Ode to Rock


  • Friendship

    Ode to Rock

    I once believed that love didn't exist anymore but having you in my life changed all that.
    When i'm with you i never want you to leave.
    You have become like an old piece of furniture rooted to the floor.
    You have always been a fixture in my life.
    Although you're not mine your supportiveness has helped me to see that i never have to settle for anything less than i deserve.
    If I can't be # 1, I refuse to be #2 in anyone's life.
    You make me laugh, you make me cry too, but this time these tears i cry are tears of joy not pain.
            For Rock I write this piece

    Just thinking about you sends a warm feeling throughout my whole body.
    Hearing your voice brightens any gloomy day.
    I trust you more than i should, your patience won me over.
    I realize how special you really are.
    You know your patience is a virtue and i thank you for having it.
    I know that I can be challenging
            For Rock I write this piece

    I can't exactly express what brought these feelings about.
    But i can say that true love will come my way again.
    They say that when love comes one will know, it may be in his voice, his laughter, his smile or even in his actions.
    The pain that I harbor in my heart will one day cease and I'll know that true love has arrived.
            For rock i write this piece

    You are my guardian angel, watching over me every step of the way, keeping me focus on my goal and never allowing me to stop believing in myself. By having you in my life brings back the hope that I lost when another love died.
            For Rock I write this piece

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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    dakota42’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
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    Ode to Rock 0
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