O' Hueco Tanks


  • Other

    O' Hueco Tanks

    I have stood in the chilling morning shadow of her archaic rocks waiting
    for eternal warmth to creep across my face,
    I have sat on her ramparts at the fading of the sun with gratitude in my
    heart, with appreciation spawned by desire,
    I have seen the four-leggeds, the winged-ones, and the ones that crawl
    upon the earth as if it had always been,
    She speaks to my soul telling of ancient times of when life was new, of
    when the Creator saw that all was good,

    Hueco Tanks! Hueco Tanks! your name reverberates to the very depths
    and crevices of my soul,
    Hueco Tanks! Hueco Tanks! you are the provider, the teacher, a
    blessing to the descendants of man,
    Hueco Tanks! Hueco Tanks! with despairing eyes i see you being
    defiled and corrupted,
    Hueco Tanks! Hueco Tanks! you have endured the ravages of the
    elements, and man, and are eternal,

    Behold, your very ground is blessed with prayers that never die and your
    epic story will never fade away,
    Blessed with the supplication of the ancestors, consecrated by their
    offerings, in sacred manner we must thread,
    Throughout her time worn corridors we see the faces of her ancient
    children, we hear their voices in the wind,
    This sacred place, invested with the ancient beliefs of mankind, must
    not gently pass away,

    O' Creator grant me the courage to weld the warrior's shield against
    those who would descrate your holy place,
    O' Creator grant me the serinity that i may walk in harmony with your
    creation and with my brothers and sisters,
    O' Creator grant me the compassion that i look into the heart of my
    fellow man and find there reconciliation,
    O' Creator grant me a desparing heart that i ask permission with a
    humble spirit before I enter your tabernacle

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    hueco78’s Poems (2)

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    at the archaic 0
    O' Hueco Tanks 0