

  • Death


    Endless thoughts are running through my mind.
    Burning tears are renduring me blind
    Beautiful red blood running from my veins.
    In a few minutes it will be ending my pain
    As my fingers and toes start to go numb,
    I start thinking this choice i made was dumb!
    But, as my arms and legs loose feeling,
    I get this scary sense of healing.
    As the numbness creeps past my waste,
    my mouth gets dry and feels like paste.
    My hurting inside starts to cease,
    the blood on the floor has definitely increased!
    I would like to tell them all good bye,
    all I can manage is a meek little sigh.
    The world is getting darker than black,
    I realize now there is no coming back.
    As I lie here lifeless I begin to see,
    there will never be a white light at the end of the tunnel for me.
    This blackness that surrounds me will go on and on.
    Never again will I see another dawn

    Poem Comments


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    ArizonaPlay commented on Numb


    to me n my opinion, I really feel your work is art in a much deeper sense of the word and as I read from you I see through me in alot of ways and thank you for that

    nini2323 commented on Numb


    I love this piece

    relaxurmindkb commented on Numb


    nice again I have somthing close but this is more refined

    shugdaddy commented on Numb


    thats deep keep writing aqr girl

    crossguided commented on Numb


    This is really good. Good use of rhyming and good word choice!

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    EvilEyes’s Poems (22)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    What Do You See 1
    Stuck Unloved 1
    Bruised 0
    Come With Me 6
    Sitting Here Thinking 4
    Have You Ever Danced With Fear 8
    Depression 3
    Erotically Yours the pg version 12
    Confused 1
    My Three Angels 5
    Drifting Into Calmness 7
    Eyes 3
    My Love For Her 4
    Not Mine 3
    Thank You Daddy 8
    I promise 1
    Over Dose 3
    Red and Silver 4
    Numb 8
    Missing You 5
    Voices 3
    Every Day Suicide 7