Not Good Enough


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    Not Good Enough

    I guess, I was not good enough for you.
    I loved you from the start. Stayed by your side when no one else was there. Listened and cared for you. Believed in you and your potential. Rarely asked for anything. Stayed drama and stress free to make things easier for you. Put my feelings aside and took care of the family. Looked at no other. Flirted with no other.
    Stayed true to you. Then times got rough and you decided I was not good enough anymore. I was your friend and your lover. The mother of your child. The one who put all shit aside because you and my child came first at all times. Now, you are with her and what we built. My child will be brought up by a single mom and I’m here battling the past and insecurities, you created, all by myself because I WAS NOT GOOD ENOUGH.


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    Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

    T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

    YEIDIN’s Poems (6)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Broken Heart Smiles 1
    I'M 0
    NUMB 0
    Not Good Enough 0
    I'm Not 0
    When You Are Ready 1