My Unborn Child


My Unborn Child

I sit here with grief
As each day passes by
My heart in dispair
I can't help but cry

A child of mine
I never will know
No pictures to take
or seeing him grow

I held his little body
on that fateful day
I cried in pain
When they took him away

A ring, some pictures
they gave me that November
A lock of his hair
for me to remember

All of these things
Can't even compare
To having you here
a child so rare

My unborn child
you weren't meant to live
No kisses to take
No hugs to give

The pain that I feel
will never subside
My heart, it is breaking
I'm dying inside

I hope that one day
I can understand why
He was taken away
before he could cry

I know that in time
My heart will grow strong
To cope with the hurt
this terrible wrong

To my unborn child
My life I would give
If I thought for one second
That he could now live

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connsk8 commented on My Unborn Child


Please read my poem "A Celebration of Women" for you are one of them...this is a poem only a Mom who has experienced loss could write, I can relate to all of your feelings, sadly so, if I can be of any help to you, please let me know...

devaamido commented on My Unborn Child


Perhaps one of the redeeming effects of this awful tragedy is that it has allowed you to create this beautiful poem of such heartfelt poignance as to touch even the hardest of hearts. May God bless you & heal your wounds.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

beckydnjd’s Poems (2)

Title Comments
Title Comments
My Unborn Child 2
David's Poem 5