Fathers are a great inspiration


Poem Commentary

This is for my dad who I lost in 2003. He gave me great advice all my life.

Fathers are a great inspiration

My father was a great man.
He was quite and had a great look on life
Education he said was the way to go
With out it you have no goals in life
Inspiration he gave me was a dream come true
He gave me confidence to go on in life
No matter what mistakes I made
He said learn from them and go on
with your life.
Use the knowledge you learn from mistakes
To make you a better person and take
what life hands you no matter what it takes
My father guided me through life you see with
tenderness and guidance each and every day
He taught me there was a way to get an
education at any age.
He worked at a factory during the day and
went to school at night to learn a new trade
I remember us doing our home work at night
I would complain and he would say to me
This is the most important thing you will do in life
He told me this was something no one could take away
from you
He was right as I look back now
I got married and dint think id need to make a livin
for me and my babies
I moved back home and looked for a job
My Dad said to me you need to finish school so you
can be on your own
This was great advice he gave me again after I had
made so many mistakes
Dads are great for helping you along the way
He never preached he would just say
Go and do what you have to do to make your own
After all you have two to feed now
He said again go back to school
A father love is unconditional you see
But in true life you must see what a true
blessing a fathers love can be
My father died in 2003 and as I look back
I see what a great inspiration he was to me
He was a teacher a friend and most of all
He loved me enough to guide me through
life and give me the best advice
Fathers are great as can be and someday you
will look back and see what I mean

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StandingBear commented on Fathers are a great inspiration


A beautifully written dedication to your dad. Great write! SBear



thank you for your nice comment! I really loved my dad and miss him so. You are such a great poet i appreciate it even more.



thank you so very much



You're very welcome! You've reworked your dad's dedication poem into a classic masterpiece! I know he loves you with his spirit non stop even while you're missing his great presence! If you can break your mind away from the world for even a few minutes .. you'll hear him whispering his love to you! Great!

To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

armymom1025’s Poems (13)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Happy Mothers Day 4
Childs play 1
Our Forefathers 4
A new life 3
A Mothers Love 2
My sister 1
People on the street 1
Spring time 2
Fathers are a great inspiration 1
The best years 1
The love of the great ones 3
a time to share 1
my son the soldier 5