my amazing brother rip


  • Death

    my amazing brother rip

    you used to take my hand and show me the way
    but now im lost and alone in this world
    you used to help my with my problems now i hurt myself to get rid of my pain
    we used to hang out together
    now all i have are our memories
    i told you all my secrets now there building up
    you promised me you would be here forever.................. but your not here now
    and i miss you so much
    you told me i could tell you anything
    so as i look up at the stars tonight i will tell you all my secrets from the day because............
    i know you will be listening and im sure you will already know because your watching every move i make
    and as i gaze at the stars i will feel your warmth
    if i could do one thing in this world i would bring you back
    because your my everything
    i love and miss you.
    you were the best dad brother and friend rip richie
    love always
    ur lil sis
    i had to write this for homework from counciling i had to describe how much i missed him and how his death affected me well i wrote alot but this was one of them !

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    The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

    ilymanny’s Poems (21)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
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