Monoga-Me and You


  • Love

    Monoga-Me and You

    We paved our fine lines together.
    Lived and experienced it all together.
    Grew up in the same environment.
    Escaped those urban mythologies.
    Split tongues and healed wounds together.
    Lied to survive and cried and denied who we would become because society doesn't support love between mankind or men or me and you.
    So, who play fool? or remain true? or break off, and leave into the dark?
    Who shall we be?
    Hollow and empty.
    Broken and twisted or shall we remain one?
    Like we've always done.
    Like we've always built on each other.
    Mended each other's wounds and stood strong through opposition but still concealed our position.
    See, we were never truly broken down.
    Just scared.
    Just confused.
    Too nervous to let love live in mankind or between men or me and you.
    So, who play fool for counterfeit acceptance? or remain true through absolute denial?
    Let's walk this mile-together.
    Calm this storm together.
    Live and learn and be known, seen, and heard together.
    While everything else falls out of existence, lets stand still together.
    Man to man.
    Me and you.
    It's who we are.
    It's what we do.
    So, it's time we take off our running shoes and let our feet rest comfortably.
    Solid in this land.
    Every sense of the word.
    Lets silence each other’s fears.
    Let them go unheard.
    Lets break through the building blocks.
    No barriers, no proceeding with caution.
    It’s time we claim our spot.
    Let boys be boys; men be men.
    How will we be titled?
    How about jokesters, since we play pretend?
    Like we weren’t in this to fulfill our obligation to mankind or men or me and you.
    Whichever you prefer- but please, lets be titled with truth, since titles are what we have become.
    Prisoners of titles less pretty, less proud; titles that would make the heart frown.
    But, we stuck through it together.
    Solaced each other and nurtured each other’s souls together.

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    que4peace’s Poems (4)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    My First Installment and Last Testimony 0
    Talking About a Revolution 0
    Monoga-Me and You 0
    No Apologies -1