Mental Metropolis Hypothesis


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    Mental Metropolis Hypothesis

    Mental time traveler going through the motions unraveling life’s puzzles
    Complacent in the bubble deprived of struggle
    Some lack the hustle due to their sheltered up bringing
    The alternatives result to slinging ultra violence
    Blood spillage pillage the urban arenas
    The melting pot of Athena
    Wisdom is all that’s between us
    So do the knowledge and come with us
    The grown have evolved into the less than
    The future is all we have so let’s then embraces the children
    Counter the pollution become less translucent
    But who am I to judge
    We hold grudges and refuse not to be punished for our inconsistencies.
    Repeating history destiny upon us
    I speak for the unpolished
    Those who graduated without honors
    Self proclaimed hood scholars
    Corner pharmacist
    Ghetto biologist
    Urban philosophers
    This is my
    Mental Metropolis hypothesis

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    EbonyQueen48 commented on Mental Metropolis Hypothesis


    Your name speaks Volumes about your work, Your talent is raw and truly enchanting. do you do spoken word? This is so beautiful!!!

    FiloRozzell commented on Mental Metropolis Hypothesis


    My fellow Ram you never cease to amaze me. I have never heard the game and struggle so elequently spoken. You must have had your share of the concrete jungle. Keep letting your soul flow bruh.

    therealqb commented on Mental Metropolis Hypothesis


    I feel you on so many levels I even have written sum of the things u say I respect it intellect and I am moved by ur REALNESS u r truly an amazing poet I'm diggin on u 2 the fullest therealqb

    albany commented on Mental Metropolis Hypothesis


    I drove a taxi 4 years in the Big Apple. If you were my rider, reading me your finer, the ride uptown or crosstown or downtown--would be off the clock. Free's that Brilliant!

    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    TheLastPoet’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Beautiful from the start 8
    The Island 3
    Mislead 5
    Aim to please 14
    Wasteland 9
    Faceless Soldier 10
    Barbwire Landscape 6
    Mr. Misery 12
    Through the Shuttle 4
    Mental Metropolis Hypothesis 5
    Disconnected 8
    Miasma 4