

  • Love


    Love is something to not lose.
    Love is something to not forget.
    Love is something you should not play with.
    Love is something offered freely.
    Love is something you should give.
    Love is something you should receive.
    Love is something you deserve.
    Love is something they deserve.
    Love is something we should all desire.
    Love is something we should all give unconditionally.
    Love is something not seen enough around the world.
    Love is something...

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    jmschwartz’s Poems (13)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    to my husband 0
    Cancer sucks 0
    My life seems to always want to falter 0
    Me 0
    Blocked 0
    What to do without you? 0
    Ode to Love 0
    Why 0
    Secret love 0
    Why 1
    you 0
    Love 0
    Feel 0