Love You


  • jerseycrtz
  • Your the one for me, and I'm the one for you, take the both of us and we're the perfect two. <3

Poem Commentary

I write a poem in free verse every day about a very special guy. What I write about is what happened that day. It's still poetry, just in Journal form. So I put a week's worth of "Journal Entries" and made this. Hope you like it!

Love You

I want to be your girlfriend
And our hearts would be one
but all we ever do is
fight, yell, and be annoying.
but I wonder if you know
that secretly inside I
love you

Nobody knows
who it really is
that I think about.
Even though I could tell them
why should I trust them?
Soon they'll get mad
and tell you
so I won't.
But hey, bet you didn't know
that I think I just might
love you

Today was weird
you ignored me
It felt....awkward
Is this what it would be like?
If we ever went out?
Don't ignore me
Don't discourage me
Don't believe the lies!
You think all these things about me
but you never think the one thing I might know
I might
Love You

You came back
you payed attention today
but I was mean
I'm sorry
I didn't know
I thought you were mad
so I was mad back
you asked why I did this
and I walked away
Why did I do that!
you tried to have a conversation
and I ignored
I know what that feels like
I'm sorry
I wonder if I still
Love You

I wonder if it will be ok
we talked again
it seems like forever
since I've seen you
since I've looked into your eyes
and actually thought about it
but in the back of my mind
I'm still wondering
if you know I
love you

Today you weren't here
it doesn't matter
but yet it does
I was lonely
the day was dull
I payed attention to my friends
and I guess it was alright
but nothing compares to
the time I spend with you
and maybe
perhaps I do
Love You

The end of the week
I guess this is goodbye
until Monday morning
we had such a fun time
now i'm stuck here in my house
with only family as company
This all happened in a week
seems shorter
but hey
time flies when your having fun
whoever made that is wrong
Yes,time might fly when your having fun
but time completely dissapears
when I am with you
so before I leave
and end this week with you
I have one more thing to say
I Love You!

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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

jerseycrtz’s Poems (61)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Depression 1
Perfection 0
I Wish 0
Until I forget about you 0
This is What you Get 0
Is The Reason 1
I'm Happy 2
I could make you happier 2
Oh No. 1
I'm tired of Worrying about You 2
My Barbed Wire Fence 1
You may not like me 1
If I could, I would 1
This Face Of Happiness 0
How Much You Mean To Me 1
Hide yourself from others 2
My Silent Tears of Pain 2
Finding My Love 0
Let the darkness swallow me 0
He's what I need right now 0
Guilty Pleasure 1
Wish Upon A Star 0
I like someone I shouldnt 0
A Broken Heart Speaks 1
My Tale of Our "Love" 1
The Tears of Desperation 2
You Are My Voice 1
He's mine 4
Feeling Alone Without You 1
Value Who You Are 1
Somebody Help Me 2
My Peaceful Night for You 0
They Want to Know 0
My Mystery Man 2
My Friends and Her 6
This just might be Love 1
Things are good for everyone-but me 2
What Other People Think 1
Love You 0
Boys! 1
I think I love him 0
My Lost Love 1
Why do you do this? 0
What did I do? 1
You Know Your In Love if.... 4
2 Young Girls Love 1
I Love Him 0
Waiting for love to pass 0
I'm Not Ready To Let Go 0
I want to be free 0
Poetry 0
Never let you see me cry 1
Breathe 1
Hopelessness 0
Laughter ruined 0
The Darkness 1
What if I haven't? 1
Suicide 0
something you couldn't have 1
I know what your thinking 0
heartbeat 0