love me


  • Emotional

    love me

    i wish just once i could be loved
    not for what i look like or what i can offer
    but truly for loved for just being me

    i don't want to be the girl you use anymore
    i don't just want to be your play thing

    what is it about me
    why can't i be loved

    am i really that bad
    i don't like being this sad

    remember you chose me
    you said you wanted me for eternity

    why then are you so mean
    you always beat me down

    i used to be happy and carefree
    i miss that part of me

    i will get her back
    i have to because your love is what i lack

    never again will i cry over you
    i meant it when i said it
    we are through

    take your mean words and go
    there is nothing to you that i owe

    goodbye my love
    there is something greater that i dream of

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    oldgoat commented on love me


    Pain and heart ache...write it ,let it go. You have so much talent and are so much better than you give yourself credit for. Aint no one guy or person worth giving up and grieving over...roger

    Jedi4Jesus commented on love me


    Convictions of a woman who will no longer fall prey to "battered woman's syndrom" Great end rhyme.

    Mangus commented on love me


    another incredible piece that deals with the pain of relationships. Truly amazing! You ask some tough questions not to your lover, but to yourself as well. Examining ourselves is the only way we grow honestly

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    tiffiny26’s Poems (8)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    life 3
    alone 5
    starting over 3
    for myself 1
    not really 1
    love me 4
    when will it be okay 4
    enough 4